Master Pea

I loved Forgetting Sarah Marshall, enjoyed Superbad & Knocked Up. This was just "eh". Diddy was shockingly hilarious. It was good for the first hour, but fizzled out by the end trying to wrap up all the loose ends, IMO.

Anyone else watch Kroll on that FX show "The League"? I think it's actually pretty damn funny, and it got picked up for a second go-round after 6 or so eps. However, I have yet to find anyone else who's seen it.

i'm sure it doesn't hurt that charm's convinced him that he's the "hero" for taking in a child "whose father doesn't love/want her"…as ifff

you might as well just get one of those "real" dolls

@Mark. I was listening, thank you. Yes, he realized the word is never appropriate (which, for the record, i completely agree with), but it took him time and the maturity that comes with it to realize this. Finn definitely was way out of line, but as France said above, he's been through a hell of a year, and I think

furthermore, the poker face thing was also grating and ridiculous. everytime they sang "i'll get him hard, show him what i've got" i died a little bit inside. UGHHH. Matthew Morrison was THE WORST.

i just don't understand why Kurt's dad would be so freaking hard on Finn when he admitted that at his age he, too, threw the f-word around like it was no big. i feel like in admitting that, he should have given Finn the benefit of the doubt and just give him a harsh reprimand. i mean seriously, pushing kurt and finn

I just realized we didn't have any Lynda/Princess action this ep. Can't lie, I'm not sorry to see them leave. I never really got what the deal was with that storyline, other than allowing Tara to advance her self-awareness when she found the painting of Hubbard & made the diorama

i can't tell if you're trolling or actually think that could be legit.
but i'll humor you and ask this—why would you expect her to constantly agonize about her DID? she still has to function in the real world (to some degree).

ahaha most definitely. and speaking of creed, why has he suddenly become a voice of reason? or at least semi-sane? his reference to that James McAvoy movie was completely legit. this is not the creed i know and love.

i don't get how a girl who seems as normal/cool-ish as Lucy would let an idiot like Tom have his arm around her all day. but tom is adorable in his own right and i just want him to be happy…look at him, all grown up! (makes me wonder what his parents are like…)

imagine what creed….whoa, nevermind, DO NOT DO THAT.

did you try to double-first?
(insert sexual innuendo here)


streets behindddd

90-93, yo

Good old Dan & Andy, trying to be the next Jim & Drute, then actually haveng to deal with a real office problem!!

I completely agree, Damned. Just look at those arms in that promo pic. H-o-l-y S-h-i-t. And seeing him in those glorious boxer brief things again (oh the glory of the P.E. ep) when he was lying on the table after he and Britta had sex? Yummmmm

the best thing about this episode was that for someone who's only seen Terminator2 (out of all the ones listed above) this was still a fan-fucking-tastic episode. LOVE IT.

TBD? I think I had that for about 5 days in the 70's…