Master Pea

Had a guy take me to see Transformers 2 on a first date.  I thought the first one was surprisingly funny & pretty decent for an action movie, so I went along with it, but sweet jesus that was the longest 3 hours of my life.  Could not have run out of there faster.

agreed on all counts. and he definitely worked out for going the distance, which made up for the fact that that movie was pretty terrible.

There's a real Pawnee?

I hate it so much.  I still watch the beginning since it's on after P&R, but it is so painful.  I wish they would have just cancelled it after Michael left, there is no saving it now.

what up debbie downer

My first time as well…was happily surprised.  Definitely want to catch up on previous eps.  Though I didn't think Wayans/Blondie's chemistry was as great as the reviewer is saying…maybe I just need to catch up?

Friends take you to the airport.  Boyfriends just love you and marry you.


I completely agree.  I was laughing out loud much more during this episode than I have in a while.  The whole "his feet are pointing at you" thing is something I've heard/read so many times in women's mags.  Cece is like Cosmo telling Jess all those ridiculous things you need to stop, look & listen for to figure out

Am I the only one who noticed Kate's face looking awfully round? I'm feeling some serious Peggy/Mad Men deja vu here…not to mention the comment from Tara "At least you're not pregnant"…foreshadowing?

Todd, I have to say in regard to your comment that Kate's idea to go to Japan being out of nowhere that it's not just that she's a teenager. I was in a similar situation, graduated high school, didn't know what to do with my life, and decided on a whim I was going to sign up for some outdoor adventure thing in

was Charm saying that him telling her right then was why he wasn't the guy or just his lack of ambition?

my roommate was convinced that michael purposed had the sprinklers go off so it would be like jim's proposal in the rain. thoughts?

Why the hell is Nelly singning the theme song to a movie starring 50 Cent. Now THAT is stupid.

I still think Beyonce's Video Phone was the most seizure-inducing video of all time.

season 1 when all the boys dressed as cheerleaders for the pep rally…riggins had pigtails and smash lifted his skirt to show his boxers…god that was hilarious!

can i just say to the author of this article—- Andy's "pratfalls"==> Chris Pratt…it may just be that I'm tired and a little bit drunk, but I find this irony pretty brilliant. keep up the good work!

didn't liz say she french-kissed the dog? or did i just dream that up bc it would be so much more disgusting/hilarious?

if she actually made something of herself like i thought she would, i'd be engaged. i'd actually love to see how landry fit in at rice, it's a cool school, and super-nerdy, but pretty liberal…i visited and they had beer at hall council meetings for upperclassmen haha.

i thought it was the third..weird. anyone else think Bobby's (pictured) Justin Bieber hair looks stupid?