Master Pea

since when has kate been the mature one? she and T were totally besties, she loves trouble.

St. Anne Sprite

No Brow- CopperCab's response to this is going to be the penultimate response video of all response videos. He might just declare war.

I swear if I don't get my act together soon I'm going to grow up to be Liz Lemon. Bler—-

That's my main problem with this show. I don't mind all the songs, but if the real plot doesn't have any meat to it, and keeps moving at lightning speed with no conflict, they're going to run out of gas quite soon. And I know a lot of you think it already has, but I have to say despite its flaws I'm still enjoying it.

considering i don't have a dick, i can't say i have adam, but thanks for thinking of me, trollski

I didn't know what they were talking about either, but then I thought about the lyrics…def fellesh

Not something you can realize generalize, ROP. Me and my two teenage sibs hang out all time. Particularly when your parents have so many psychological issues, they don't have time to actually *be* parents (Max: Who's the parent here? Kate: No one"…I've definitely dished out that line more than a few times) When they

i don't see how those things ever could have been mutually exclusive on this show.