

Come on, it's just a matter of changing the conformation of the CJD-type prions such that they'll go become soluble again, at which point they'll be degraded via the lysosomal or autophagosomal pathways. It's not rocket science…

I can't help but speculate…that much like New Coke…the New Coke Players…are DONE FOR!

Kutner WAS killed…killed by a robot…from the FUTURE!

Nice…or should I say…BA!

For a few minutes…that WOULD be funny!

An online memorial…THAT is the real kicker!

Bob…Bob…had BITCH-TITS!

Very patronizing. Very creepy. Nevertheless…a THING TO DO!

That's true. You don't kill off characters. Unless…you have a PLAN!

There have indeed been four seasons…before THIS one!

So when are they gonna put this episode on Hulu or whatever? I'm gonna need to be caught up by the time my cable comes back. Or are they gonna replay it a thousand times a day like they did last season?

And on the opposite sidebar, there's an ad for what may be some sort of liquor reading only "It could just be the taste". Since I have no idea what the ad is for, and the link doesn't seem to be working, I'll assume it's for big black cock.

Howza bout peg nog? AKA holiday santorum?

I had thought that spraying Him with mace would make him cry, but no luck. Maybe a swift kick to His Heavenly Balls…

Two failures. What a fucking loser. Call it a day, go home and go back to bed. Tomorrow is bound to bring better things.

Uh, yeah.

"Then Again, Maybe I Won't" got me detention too. But it wasn't for reading it though. More for how it clued me in to the joys of shoplifting and public masturbation. Not things you wanna get caught doing in junior high.

Heh heh…pubic libraries…

I read it when I was like 12 or 13 and thought it was pretty cool at the time. In retrospect, it's just another example of how the bullshit overblown propaganda put out as part of the war on drugs just makes kids want to do drugs even more.