
Yep, it's totally fascism!
And AIDS was a government plot!
And it just coincidence that this whole weekly celebration of banning books just happens to correspond with the holiest week in the Jewnited States, if not the entire Jewniverse?!?!
G-ddammit people, can't you see what's going on here!?!?

Better than a stanklet. Letting a stanklet loose at work is the worst. I had to toss my drawers and walk around the rest of the day with Post-its covering my cheeks.

While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol, it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream.

Or warm ejaculate on your back! It keeps you cozy and makes a great snack!

But if you're interested in going balls-out fully retarded, Trig Palin has a spare chromosome he can loan you.

But now that Kennedy's brain tumour thing is cool, he's back in bidness!

You're goddamn right, Dick Lee! Super Bears, Super Bowl! Matt Forte is the next Sweetness! Kyle Orton is the next Good-Rex!

Shut up or you're both getting a moose knuckle sandwich.

Neither clit? The one on the left ain't so bad.

Now that's what I call a dome shot.

Dammit Banmar, now I want some sausage. Spicy Italian preferably, but I'd settle for a Polish.
But you're right, it isn't and shouldn't be dignified. B. Hussein needs to grow a pair and call out McCain and W and all the other republicans on every fucked up thing that's happened during their reign. Not that I care all