
How do you feel about Moses Farrow? Do you think his accusations of Mia Farrow's abuse make this less than an open and shut case, rejected from the courts but decided by the tabloids?

I don't understand why these school children are sooooooo awful to spend time with. I mean, Moffat cut his teeth on Press Gang and Amelia Pond was a consistent pleasure.

I disagree about the end question of "Does that make you good?" not landing. This is a season long theme, and at this point in the season it doesn't need to land, it needs to be asked and to hang in the air. Is The Doctor asking Clara? Is he accusing her? Taunting her? Is he talking to himself? Capaldi's reading is

Yeah, Spike Lee is probably the most talented guy who makes a lot of shitty movies. And this is not one of the good ones. Maybe I was looking forward to this too much when it came out, but the flashes of brilliance (like the "nigger is a beautiful thing" monologue) are too few and far between the hack hack hack hack

This game does not sound like something I would be good enough at to enjoy playing, but I love that they made it like this and that people are passionate about it. Enjoy my upvotes.

How could half a paragraph make me loose so much respect for Sandifer's critical faculties?

Not to engage your persecution issues, but I have never posted on this show before. And when I did, just now, it was to say something positive about the episode being discussed.

Sick burn!

I don't know how much I really want them justifying Capaldi's face. The 1st, 2nd, and 6th Doctors all had in-universe doubles while 10 has several audio sound alikes. Not to mentions Romana. There is so much precedent that it doesn't seem worth the trouble for something that really isn't that interesting.

This is only the second time since the pilot that I didn't find this show embarrassing to watch.
Yes, that is as close to a compliment as I am prepared to give to this program.

I call bullshit on a pale bald man walking around midday Pakistan without a hat on. That dome would be on fire in 10 minutes. What is it, his first day there?

God damn it. Now I have…things to do.

Wait, what is stopping you? Is talking shit on comment boards stopping you? I get disliking successful writers, I don't get spending time on them.

I'm not sure if the quote originates from him, but when I read Mitch Hurwitz describe it as "character is inconsistency", it really switched on a lightbulb for me. Because I feel like decent characters are all about "the pivot" where they go from meaning one thing to doing the opposite. The 3rd Doctor resents UNIT and

This is just more NSA/data mining bullshit!! You are all being suckers.

I don't know, I think it will only stop when they feel they have nothing to gain by being asshats.

Oh ok, thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

I admit that I haven't followed that whole gamergirlgate business too closely, but what the hell does Friendzones have to do with it?

Well, you certainly had me at Teddy the Jewboy…

You shut your mouth. YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH.