
Of course sincere.

Don't wanna be that guy, but Rivers was a legend of Comedy (full stop). It might seem obvious how many women she inspired, but as a straight up crafter of jokes/persona you won't find many great male standups who don't only speak of Joan Rivers in superlatives.

It was summer
I was a little boy
my mother was feeling uncharacteristically generous

Yeah, this review doesn't tell me why this movie is good beyond it fitting into the reviewer's socio political hip pocket (which sounds pretty similar to my own, but is not how I rate movies).


Southland Tales is deeply, deeply awful in almost every sense. But good god, not only does it swing for the fences every fucking chance it gets, but almost every scene fails so completely to achieve its purpose that is one of the most entertaining trainwrecks ever made.

Yes. More Gargoyles please. I've started rewatching these and they stand up really well to criticism and analysis. Also, these have been strong reviews in their own right.

I didn't finish listening to it, but I am surprised that she sounds so poorly trained in the breathing department. You need to be in incredible shape (breath wise) to pull off singing and dancing like this, but audible gasps for air at the beginning of lines mark her as less than prepared.

I have never read the source material (although I am a big fan of Noir in general), but I came up with the same reaction. There is a camp awareness to the first Sin City film that I found to be a lot of fun.

Listen, I understand that we are aging, barely loved hipsters who still think like defensive 12 year olds, but can we start to refrain from hyperbolic "A is good because B is total shit"?

The Go Getter from 2007

Usually the hallmark of a quality review is to make it clear that the reviewer is casually superior to the subject matter and has been since 1993. So, A double plus!!

If you see any of pre P&R work you will see a lot of range. He is in one Zooey Deschanel indie where he plays 3 barely recognizable parts, none of which are Ron Swanson.

I guess it would be helpful to mention to anyone who doesn't know (and is Region B friendly) that the BFI have their own 18 film Herzog Blu Boxset coming out in a couple weeks. It is not identical and features several different films to Shout's box.

Listen, I'm just impressed that one of the main points of this review seems to be that the show about THE RAPTURE is too Christian-centric.

Yes, but "Uncomfortable parallels" is pure click bait.

As I understand it, people here complained about spoilers because editorial were headlining articles in such a way as to spoil the non death of a character who appeared to have died the week before, or releasing an innocuously named Top Ten article/list the same night an episode aired which spoiled that night's plot

I can't say I'm sad the guy is leaving, since this article like so many of his others made me roll my eyes in the second paragraph and skip the next 18, but I hope he winds up happy, blogging on a site that I will never read.

Sorry to review the reviewer, but that was an awful lot of bitchy nonsense for an A-.

I would have loved to enjoy the timejump, but I was spoiled by that Goddamn frontpage article at 3am. Because I should be expected to play Spoiler Defense the same night anything airs.