Kevin Eubanks dosen't play bass.
Kevin Eubanks dosen't play bass.
Unregistered Racist Trolls…
Anything you guys can do about them?
I think Sun Ra and George Clinton might have a few things to say about blacks and spaceship ownership.
Oh, and why isn't there more porn like the scene where Joanie interviews Bubba Smith in the locker room?
I watched this show a lot when I was a kid, but I think it was one of those "too young to know good entertainment from bad entertainment" kind of things. Because in retrospect, I don't actually remember enjoying the show.
Was there a technical problem?
It seems that half the article was deleted.
They addressed that in an early episode. Its supposed to be like 2 or 3 years, but since these characters are going 11 years strong, they never really brought it up again.
Better than the one for Die Hard.
They actually went into the building this time! That was a lot of fun. The Pastor made a great host and you got an original congregation member to boot.
I didn't think LO:LA was that bad…
Of course I was mostly tuning in to fap it to Alana De La Garza.
Sure but he's talking about recently.
"Metal" is one of those labels that can mean dozens of things. I mean most metal today is either screamed or growled. Does he think he's comparable to Bruce Dickinson or Ronnie James Dio? I guess there are similarities and those guys are the grandfathers of metal. Or is he just a garden variety "rocker" who likes to…
Yeah, those two albums: Lord of the Harvest and Transmutations are some of my favorites.
Why did they have to louse up a perfectly serviceable wagon painting story with all that fruity singing?
Sorry dude….
But Parks and Rec was NOT lackluster.
I thought Lauren would have been gone weeks ago too. I think the lesson is, don't underestimate the Bible Belt. There are a lot of overweight teenage girls from that region who just want to hear a "pleasant" (bland) country voice and can probably relate to her pudgy-ness.
I must be getting old and lame.
I was pleasantly surprised by it. Even the "bad" contestants could sing (a little). They skipped the whole Idol thing of putting clueless no-talents up there for comedy/humiliation purposes. I actually liked the back-and-forth between the judges. Looking forward to the mentoring stage.
I agree. That Javier guy - the black guy with the kids - was the best of the evening and Tye reminds me of Phil Lynott.
I'm not the biggest Jacob fan, but I find it interesting that people with "big voices" are always labeled as "screaming."
You stand up to play the electric bass too.