Be like Hitler: Don't Smoke!
Be like Hitler: Don't Smoke!
He mentioned Jabbar…
He even mentioned him ahead of Max.
Its "crescendo."
I still hold a grudge against her for the Ghostbusters article. However, she is clearly the most attractive AV Club contributor as evidenced by the Video Inventory.
I like uncool music.
Living Colour released "Cult of Personality" in January of 1989 and opened for the Rolling Stones that Fall.
Red and Discipline with Lark's Tongues close behind.
Its something even weirder like 1 1/4 steps.
That would be "padded out." However, I'm sure they were passed out too.
1. A lot of the DLR period was passed out with cover tunes. I don't recall Van Hagar doing any covers.
Yeah, I spent hours watching Live: Without A Net on VHS tape I had from Mtv aired it. I thought that thing was so cool, but haven't seen it in over 20 years. I'm also pretty sure Alex Van Halen was drunk or stoned or both throughout the whole thing. Terrible sloppy drumming.
I came SO close to getting this ugly Pepto Bismol pink Kramer strat when I was a freshman in high school. I'm so glad I didn't get it because:
Uncool bands.
Rush. on hiatus from '97 until '02 due to Neil Peart's family dying. Probably bigger than ever since their comeback.
Conservatives are incapable of being creative.
James Murphy?
I thought this was going to be about the death metal guitarist who played with Testament for a while and wrote an article for Guitar Player magazine.
The funny thing is, I remember Rush Limbaugh complaining about this movie at the time because he thought it was portraying white men as the bad guy.
Of course Indie Rock Central here made no mention that that's legendary bluesman Albert Collins in that scene.
1970s Billy Joel is pretty damn good. After that…