Conrad Bain

I'd like to add…
Earl Palmer - Drums with Little Richard and Fats Domino
Johnny Johnson - Piano with Chuck Berry and rumored to have written most of Berry's material.
Cliff Gallup - Guitar with Gene Vincent
Scotty Moore, Bill Black and DJ Fontana - Sun era Elvis
Luther Perkins and Marshall Grant - Johnny Cash
The Funk

@skull: I hope that's a joke.

Maybe the best hard rock backup vocalist (those harmonies really do add to the hooks on those songs) and anyone who thinks he's a sub-par bass player should listen to "Mean Streets".

I'm with you Fidel.

Nieve is great but I tink the Thomas' are one of rocks great underrated rhythm sections.

I'm going to throw my support behind Moulding on his awesome bass playing al;one.

Amen to Vernon Reid, Ernie Isley, Eddie Hazel and Sonny Sharrock.

James Iha might have co-written some tunes, but other than some sloppy leads and looking "cool" he never added anything to the Pumpkins.

My great-uncle is named Clarence and he boxed professionally in the 50s.

While Judge dose lean to the right…
…he sure slammed the church and their Purity Ball at the end of this episode. He also attacked Rush Limbaugh on "Beavis and Butthead" and took a swipe at George W. before he even took office (I'm sure living in Texas under Governor Bush takes its toll) in a 2000 episode of "KOTH"

(sob)…I'm sorry…(sob)…I just love my country so much…(sob)…

Code 3113. Is that anything like the 1976 Rush albun 2112?

Well I think its simultaneously hilarious and pathetic that someone writing about music dosen't really know anything about music (Claire claims to never have heard "Beth" by KISS or that "Home Sweet Home" was done by Motley Crue) which is a problem that pervades much music journalism. Of course American Idol isn't

Picky Comment from a Musician:
Kris was accompanied on "What's Going On" by a CONGA player and a CAJON player, but no BONGOS.

Is a back up bass player someone who is on standby if the main bass player can't make it?

I would still bang her until I was unconscience.

I like Stagecoach A LOT, but I thought the last 15 minutes kind of dragged.

I am a huge fan of "Ox-bow Incident" and should be mentioned as a '40s predecessor to the films in this article.

What Karatloz said.

I mean, what these guys are doing…this is a fad…