Conrad Bain

So many people didn't like Sky Blue Sky…
…because it didn't "rock" enough. Yet this board is populated by indie rock fans. I though indie rock fans LIKED music that dosen't rock?

Wah! (an I'm not talking about the pedal).

I saw Dollhouse which I thought was kind of bleak, but a decent film. Then I saw Story Telling which I found very frustrating and bordering on offensive.

@littlealex: Or how about the fact that the song is in "Eb" but Michael Henderson is playing in "E" and Miles spends 32 bars trying to correct him through his playing.

@TANG: I might throw Nirvana into that equation.

The songs on Guyville were passable for mid-90s altera-pop, and she was definitely easy on the eyes. However I remeber seeing her play on the Tonight Show once backed up by Kevin Eubanks (Pre-2nd Banana) Bob Hurst, Jeff Watts and Kenny Kirkland. She sat on a stool strumming her guitar and couldn't sing ANY of the

The monkey was named "Kovacs" after the criminally underrated TV pioneer Ernie Kovacs.

Would you ask Tom Petty that question?

I'm a musician geek. Iwanted to study what made these guys such great players. Never really got into drugs.

I saw them in Minneapolis back in '96. Rolling Stone had reported that Bootsy Collins and Bernie Worrell were going to be on that tour, but they weren't there that night. Blackbyrd McKnight who played with Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis and briefly the Chili Peppers played "Maggot Brain" and that was the only real

i don't totally disagree with the P-Funk lacking soul statement. As great of players that they were and with some great hooks, I always thought the music was a little dry.

Nels Cline is the only reason I care about Wilco.

I loved TNG in high school, but when watching the reruns a couple years ago, I've got to say I don't think they have aged well.

Also the scene in the mayor's office.

Wow. Steve Malkmus might be the least talented person I have ever encountered.

More love for The Hammer!

A bland band that I can take or leave. What alwys got my goat was their drummer was on his way to becoming the next Dennis Chambers and could easily be touring/recording with people like Chick Corea or John McLaughlin and he turned his back on that path to pursue the almighty dollar.

Hey, "Rocky Horror…" and "Phantom…" are no "Repo!:The Genetic Opera".

Flea's lifetime pass might be revoked for RHCP albums released after "Blood Sugar Sex Magic".

Big +1 for Last of the Mohicans. Between that and 12 Monkeys, I developed a major crush on Madeline Stowe.