Conrad Bain

Lifetime: Where marginally talented TV actresses go after they turn 30.

I would guess he takes all of these gigs/projects because he still owes on his taxes.

Wynton's early work like "Black Codes…" was a great album. If he had taken up a mentor like Wayne Shorter or McCoy Tyner, he could have been a major artist. Intead, Stanley Crouch and Albert Murray insured that Wynton would be a serviceable impersonator of Clark Terry, Dizzy Gillespie and at best Booker Little.

Wow, Gokey actually said "everybody likes Rascal Flatts"? Has he suffered brain damage?

Did Allison actually play guitar? I think she just held it until the band came in.

I checked out "Sixteen Military Wives" on YouTube. I turned it off within 30 seconds. This guy has a "Ain't I clever?" vibe that makes me want to punch him.

@ smilner: Its true. Most of my friends who play"jazz" actually say "improvised music."

You are a goddamned liar!

McCready was a great Hendrix/Stevie Ray Vaughn clone (I mean that as a compliment). Ament is an underrated bass player and Gossard might be one of the best rhythm guitarists in rock (I mean real RHYTHM guitar playing, like the man spent some time listening to funk/R&B).

Senior year/Freshman year of college purchases for me.

Yeah, Bad Brains definitely had a metal element. Especially on I Aginst I and forward.

Jazzy is not a real word.

I believe in the Rare Earth version of "Gettin" Ready" the lead vocalist sings the last line of each stanza. He still looked in the camera and said he was going to sing it, then didn't.

Stanley Crouch ruined Wynton Marsallis

Jr. gets a bad rap for the "AREUREADYFORSUMFOOTBALL!?!?!?" thing, but I think the stuff he did back in the 70s is pretty high quality.

I actually thought there was going to be more of the show after OJ stabbed 3 people. When they came back from commercial break to the credits, I said, "wow, that's it?"

Yeah, when the Big Bang Theory guy moved into their basement, I thought that was a bit much and kind of stopped watching after that. I did somehow see that awful episode where she halucinates about Jerry Garcia.

Yeah, when the Big Bang Theory guy moved into their basement, I thought that was a bit much and kind of stopped watching after that. I did somehow see that awful episode where she halucinates about Jerry Garcia.

I actually liked B.J., Col. Potter and Winchester. I think there were some quality seasons with those characters. It went down hill around the time Radar left (but not BECAUSE Radar left).

I actually liked B.J., Col. Potter and Winchester. I think there were some quality seasons with those characters. It went down hill around the time Radar left (but not BECAUSE Radar left).