Conrad Bain

Oh man! That no-mouth scene freaked me out too! I saw it on TV when I was like 10 or 11. I made myself re-watch it when I was 19 as kind of a "confronting my fears" kind of thing. I got goose-bumps but din't freak out.

Oh man! That no-mouth scene freaked me out too! I saw it on TV when I was like 10 or 11. I made myself re-watch it when I was 19 as kind of a "confronting my fears" kind of thing. I got goose-bumps but din't freak out.

Have you ever listened to jazz?

I'm Surprised…
…there wasn't more indie rock on the list.

Huge Thayil fan here, but how can you bash Morello? I think the two are very different kinds of players. Thayil was largely blues based and threw in just enough odd notes (ala Frank Zappa) to keep it interesting. Morello came from the "metal god" school of playing and can do the "good guitar playing" thing as

Never thought much of Matt Cameron as a drummer? You are deaf right? He was one of the few rock drummers of that era/genre that is even worth mentioning.

The Squirrel Cherry Poppin' Nut Zipper Daddies featuring Brian Setzer.

I think it was "The ineffectual middle-management suck-ups".

I challenge you to find a jazz musician who actually uses the word "jazzy". Go ahead, I'll wait.

Hmmmm, Blood Feast and Monster a GoGo!

American Idol makes for mildly entertaining reality TV…
but has anybody here ever bought/downloaded a recording by an AI contestant/winner? Would you?

Classiest Guy Ever, Tommy Lee says he can't stand playing "Home Sweet Home" because it was their biggest song.

Its official.
I must either be old or totally out of it when it comes to rock music, because I have never heard of this band (as have others here) and am truly wondering why this is news-worthy. I am going to go back to listening to my music made by elderly/dead black people.

This movie…
wast the first movie I had seen with the vocalist from my band. She and I have similar tastes so I thought this was going to be cool. One of the worst movie-going experiwnces ever. We're still in a band together.

Harmonica's have nothing to do with bluegrass.

I guess I would only mention Leno because he's a major character in the "Late Night Seismic Shift of '92-'93". I love Stewart and Colbert, but I'm not sure if they are in the same category as the others.

I laughed more at this one than anything else this season.

I thought the episode where Lisa and her friend create their magical imaginary kingdom was the worst this season.

Talk Shows in General.
Really. Name me a talk show in the last 25 years or so, outside of Johnny Carson, Letterman, Leno and Conan that is even worth mentioning. Allan Thicke, Joan Rivers, Pat Sajack, Chevy Chase, Stephanie Miller, Magic Johnson, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Sinbad? All failed miserably. Possibly Tom Snyder.

What? Nealon needs to be moved to the end of the list.