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    Cool AF

    After he lost a bunch of weight, he tweeted about it with the hashtag #thinspiration. Anti-anorexia types took issue with it, and he called one a c*nt and told another "Grab a razor blade and draw a bath. I doubt anyone will miss you".

    Are we talkin' about Chazz Duffy? Love that guy!

    "My grandson threw a skitz…" Hilarious.

    From USA today:

    Yeah, that's The Rashida Jones episode. It's pretty good in my humble opinion, but it's no Meow Meow Beanz!

    "How dare you ask about our healthcare? Fucking Jew run media!".
    - Montana voters

    My earliest Star Wars memory is definitely my actual earliest memory. I was three years old at the drive-in. My older brother and I were at the top of a slide in the playground when the movie started. A security guard told us we couldn't be up there during the movie. So we went to the car to see it with mom. That's

    I'm just glad the next season is all new players.

    The author of that story is a talking head in the movie.

    Emotionless Phil's eyes were creeping me out big time…

    Oh! -A. D. Clay

    Yeah, he's a pretty bad actor. But he is nowhere near as bad as the kid who plays Eddie on fresh off the boat. He amazes me with his lack of talent…

    "we set up a separate email address back in mid-May"

    Sure it is. A lot of people get mental illness in their late 20s…

    Good lord, this looks bad.
    This always bugged me about big bang theory: Sheldon would say "I'm not crazy my mother had me tested.".
    So? Maybe you went crazy after the tests…

    Somebody tweet him, I'm way too lazy…

    I wonder what the typo is in the opening crawl… I will never see this in the theater, and I'm sure they'll change it for the DVD release…

    Heh. I called my band that.

    Both of them can gladly fuck off if you please…