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    When I was a kid I was sure the child actor who played Tim was Tori spelling's little brother. He's not. He did write the excellent movie "final girls" though.

    "What do you know about Feck?"

    Not cool, bro

    That makes me sad as hell…

    What is a "convenience" other than an excuse to be lazy?

    Kill yourself, Internet

    Hopefully Gail…

    I mean, it's obviously hard-ons, right?

    I'm not one of those "the Simpsons is terrible these days" people, but good lord that was a terrible episode…Like "Curl up and dye"? That is so hackey and stale…

    Fuck this world. For real.

    Are you?

    The Melissa McCarthy sketch is so funny. I particularly love the line reading "People love that look…on that cake".

    I've been pretty lukewarm on Melissa Villasenor, but when she sang "Mister you're fired, guess who I hired?" in the Legally Blonde sketch in the meekest possible voice I was in stitches…

    There was absolutely NO point to that David Bowie opening. That was simply Jimmy Fallon jerking off onto your TV set…

    Me too. that's why I always thought it was funny…

    I'm certainly tired of seeing AV club headlines about them…

    Seems like a regular guitar and amplifier…

    I contend that big red is the best. If I ever find the very rare big red zero, I will buy a ton. The flavor is obviously "some sort of cream soda/bubblegum"!

    I read through a bunch of his comments including episodes of "girls. There was no sexism…

    "Go fix yourself a drink.". That is a darned rude thing to say to your dad.