
I prefer VII.

I hope there is a bat branding montage.

For once, I'm not that upset about corporate influence in politics.

The only thing shittier than Gawker is the verdict in this case.

Neolibrealism is a helluva drug.

Same. I live in a deeply conservative state (sitting next to Cruz voters atm). So I do my best to be respectful to people that I don't necessarily agree with.

I agree that with environmentally damaging resource extraction jobs that the Republican message might play better. But the Republicans antipathy towards unions could cut against them even there.

The people that really like Trump are not much scarier than the people that really like Cruz if we judge them on that metric too.

That's why I'm not sure that the Democrats are definitely going to beat Cruz or Trump. The left has been wondering for a while why lower class whites seemed to be voting against their interests. Trump to me seems to be the first candidate in a while that is telling them what they want to hear on the economy on foreign

Is that an actual official AV Club stance? I always thought that most pop culture skews left.

All rule 34 Pokémon creatures go to heaven

I wouldn't.

I hope you are right. But there are a lot of angry people in America.

"[H]is Star Wars movie quotes and his Simpsons impressions are his cultural capital. They’re all he’s got, and so he’s come to depend on them, to embrace them with gusto."

You're not a fan of the Kojima school of incomprehensible video game stories?

Good: What Resident Evil 4 lost in being an actual horror game, it certainly made up for being the most tense action game I've ever played. There is something about those mud movement controls and precision shooting that is just perfect.

I have a low tolerance for whimsy or platformers these days. I also own a PS4. But these are good recommendations.

Taran, Wanderer might be the weirdest (and best) YA book I've ever read. Doesn't have much action for a fantasy novel. Just a dude trying to figure out what he should do with his life.

Back in my day.