
The Unbearable Whiteness of Publishing.

I almost always go with Abercrombie or Kay. Abercrombie's standalones are phenomenal. And they neither involve farm boys with a destiny nor defeating world-ending evil. One is fantasy Unforgiven. One is a fantasy Ocean's Eleven except instead of robbing people it is about killing people. One is a fantasy war epic. All

Kay is the master of fantasy standalones.

Try The Traitor Baru Comorant. It's about a woman brought up in a Polynesian like society that is colonized by an evil empire. The evil empire has puritanical beliefs of sex and society. Baru decides to destroy the empire from the inside while coming to grips with her sexuality. It has a lot of politicking, diplomacy

I felt much the same way you did about the Blade Itself. I kept with it, and I'm glad I did. The series keeps getting better, and it has one of my favorite twist endings of all time.

So what's the argument that Moby Dick is more quintessentially American when compared to Huck Finn or Mockingbird?

As dumb as this sounds, I think the fact it deals with people on a ship precludes it from being quintessentially American even if it is great.

I would pick Blood Meridian as the quintessential American novel. Guy goes west. He somehow finds himself killing the natives in brutal fashion for venal reasons. He justifies it somehow. He stops moving when he hits the coast.

Same boat. I played 3/4th of Twilight Princess (meh). And the original Gameboy one (cool!).

Who are you reviewing it for?

I know my physical copy of the game comes with both.

Only if you give me a time turner first. Adulthood is the cause of and solution to all of my video game problems.

I bought a Wii-U and—after playing some Mario Kart—it just gathered dust for a year. But I finally started playing Bayonetta 2. And damn it but that game by itself basically justifies my purchase. It's just pure, glorious, campy joy.

This and Maniac McGee were my jam in grade school.

Bernie Sanders thinks that Fallout lost its soul when Bethesda took over the reins of the franchise, and that Obsidian's New Vegas is the only good thing to come from the sale.

And cheddar bay biscuits?

They didn't really do a good job of explaining why the Institute defaulted to evil so much.

I finished Far Cry 4. It has some horrible video game writing: All thin characters and cheap nihilism. But none of that really matters with how joyful and goofy the actual playing of the game is. It's all about just cruising around and killing a Rhino to make a better wallet before you climb a tower and kill some

The lesson is, never try.

Roseanne and the other one with a similar name that Trump likes to mock.