
I realized I liked Spotify's weekly discover playlists after it gave me this song a couple months ago.

I thought the Witcher did a good job with magic. It was frequently effective but not game breaking (or at least no more or less game breaking than any other spec).

I would never have even have got this close if I had perma-death on. Conquest is kind of amazing or tedious in how crazy difficult some of those fights are unless you use the grinding DLC.

Weapon charges is the least good system for anything.

I'm really excited to try a BG - Throne of Bhaal playthrough, including Siege of Dragonsper.

I should learn to play that, but I'm trying to work through a backlog and 4x games (and other grand strategy games) are my trying to work through backlog kryptonite.

BG2 is my favorite game. Good luck!

I'm still on that Conquest map. It annoyed me dying once to the second one, so I've moved onto Revelations a little early. It's easier than Conquest, but I think it's more fun.

I went to a local, public boardgame meetup. I played a four-player game of Star Wars: Rebellion. I won as the Imperials by capturing Luke with Boba Fett, interrogating him, and ultimately converting him to the dark side with the Emperor. Then, the next turn I parked the Death Star above Tatooine and annihilated the

I remember that outpost! I believe that a mid-invasion animal attack is scripted into some of the outpost takeovers.

Very vague spoilers

I think it's a problem to have so much of a game being devoted to combat.

I haven't read the comments here. I'm sure their fine. But I can only imagine the discussion this controversy will engender across the Internet will be respectful and full of nuance.

To be honest, I think all JRPGs work best as teen-agers. I think that's the age where you're going to be most receptive to that specific brand of pseudo-philosophical clap-trap. It's also the age when you really have time to really just veg out in these worlds for hundreds of hours. I cannot imagine I'll ever have the

I'm very ambivalent toward the boost skill. It's like they decided after some backlash that watching 4 minute summons was not good gameplay that they could make the summon animations somehow longer as long as the nominally added a gameplay element in the form of mashing square.

What a great perspective on one of the most innovative and interesting Final Fantasy games ever released. I don't think I ever considered how well it works as a metaphor for high school, but I think you forgot one key element of the metaphor: you literally have to take and do well in tests in order to get paid large

Probably the same one. It's made by the same guy who made Codenames and Galaxy Truckers.

Domino's is a fine game.

Also, you should try Mage Knight. That game is amazing if you're looking for something heavy that can be played solo.

It's interesting that it illuminates some of the ways that the participants in the cold war may have viewed something so terrible as a game.