
As far as we've come in video game stories, developers still cannot make a character that can take a joke.

I had the same reaction to the Baron. And the game let me ignore his excuses almost completely. It's fascinating to me that it allows you to roleplay as someone who has no time for someone's self-serving justifications about why they have to hit their wife (though I am concerned that doing so causes the Baron to

Tifa fits one of those categories pretty well. Her boob bounce in that FMV sequence where Avalanche is getting into escape vehicles is the first time I remember being particularly aware of boob physics.

Try Divinity Original Sin. It's a nifty little RPG that actually allows the parties to duke it put about how to best proceed through the story line.

My gaming from May to December went Witcher 3 > entire Baldur's Gate Series > Fallout 4.

I like the way that the old Baldur Gates handles randomized stats on leveling. It was on by default, but you could toggle the difficult to get max rolls of you wanted

Argument seems sound. But I don't think I've played a game with lives or extra lives since Geometry Wars.

Me too. I've been doing a very slow read of all of his books in chronological order. They are all horrifying and beautiful.

I finally finished the Handmaid's Tale. It was great.

Fallout 4. I've essentially played two games released in 2015: The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4. In looking at the reactions to Fallout, I've noticed people are drawing comparisons with the general consensus that The Witcher 3 is a better game. I think I kind of disagree (or rather that I don't think these comparisons are

I dunno I've found a couple of sections (like Pickman's Gallery and the asylum) that are as nifty as anything in Fallout 3.

Neat. I look forward to playing the Telltale games aftwr I picked up complete seasons of all of them for $40 a few months ago.

The repair skill is so boring and useful. I'm glad they got rid of it. The perks this time around at least seem mostly interesting.

It's part of the charm and fury at Bethesda. They make game design decisions that no one else would even think about. But half of those decisions are terrible and half of them make the game much better than it has any right to be.

Fallout 4 is really good. It's kind of disappointing that Bethesda remains frustratingly close to achieving the promise of those earlier games, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

It really is inexplicable. Something so weird about a game that wears it's numerous flaws on its sleeve, but somehow had the power to transmute me into a drooling idiot for days at a time. The closest representation of the Entertainment in Infinite Jest.

True enough. Bethesda is my favorite studio, so these things don't concern me much. But I can acknowledge they are flaws that (with the possible exception of bugs) could be improved upon.

1. Bugs
2. Facial Animations
3. Poor shooting mechanics outside of VATS
4. A useless 3P Camera
5. Poorly designed main story content
6. Endless fetch quests
7. Making games for the the ps3
8. World does not react meaningfullt to the earth changing things you are doing.
9. Combat eventually becomes perfunctory at high

This seems like a majorly annoying game design decision. People already cite encumbrance as one of the worst parts about Bethesda games, and it seems negligent to respond to that by making picking up junk more important than ever.

As for whether it's worth going back, those earlier games are great. But they are very long (like 300+ hours if you decide to play them back to back). Personally, I'd start with four as its fun to be playing a zeitgeist game.