
I subscribe to Hulu, Amazon Prime and Netflix. I'm not sure if I'm saving money over cable at this point.

I've never modded the game, but those high level skeletons are super effectice.

I'm just waiting for the Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf/Harry Potter mashup.

The best level 5 spells imo:
1) Breach
2) Animate Dead
3) Lower Resistance
4) Sunfire
5) Spell Immunity

Never has Dany looked so chill.

Your not that close to the end unless you rush.

I'm still kicking myself because my sorceror picked Chaos as a 5th level spell. I cast it so rarely that it would be better to just let Neera or Jan cast it and use that slot for something else.

My good party run of Baldur Gate 2 is continuing. I freed Imoen from the clutches of Irencus and the Cowled wizards in Spellhold. I then abandoned her to escape the bowels of the asylum (my teammates were being pretty ok with that decision). I killed the pimp of a woman forced into sex slavery by disintegrating him

I disagree.

My mom (and the NYTimes and my friends and everyone else) gave me this advice when I was in Beema's situation. And I found it far more depressing to lay my situation on the economy's feet (over which I have no control) than to just believe it was a temporary self-inflicted state that I could remedy. That's not to say

Best I can guess is the author really doesn't like eXistenZ.

I just quit FFXIV after two years or so, and I cannot even remember what inspired me to spend so much time on it. Still, the game is quite beautiful with great atmosphere and music.

But there is an achievement for hitting 35…

Congratulations and thst sounds fun. My girlfriend asked me what I wanted to do for my 31st birthday this weekend, and I said just play boardgames. So tomorrow I'll be playing a full game of Star Wars Imperial Assault. Now that I think about it my 11th birthday and 31st birthday are uncomfortably similiar featuring

I finished Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. The final fight was and remains a bear, but I think it is the most entertaining final fight in a Bioware game. There is something endlessly entertaining about a random dude with exploding fireball arrows, who just lobs them indiscriminately at you even if they will

I would watch a show about Shit Stain.

I made a virtual fortune in FFXIV. It bought me multiple mansions (the most expensive item in the game). It was worth $500 whole smackers.

Finished Fool's Quest. I don't think I've ever been disappointed with a Hobb book. She is just doing different things in the fantasy genre. Things that I never even knew I wanted. She takes her time getting there and the anticipation makes it better.

My understanding is its more that reparations are owed as a way to balance the ledger. I don't get the sense that TNC cares that much about political feasibility, which makes sense given how little faith that writer has in political and social forces ever honestly reckoning with 500+ years of racial oppression.

They are sorry about it though.