
Having attended a fair number of these conventions in Dallas (most of which are awful), this stuff is kind of gross on first blush. But then again, the people (and the smells) at these conventions are also often pretty gross. And given the lines that form around anything approaching free, it's probably a necessary

I love mocking the foibles of those that have an inordinate amount of power over mine (and everyone I know's) lives.

Some of the other spy's seem great. There is a one strength siege spy. And thwre is a 0 strength spy hero (your opponent cannot medic it or decoy it).

Sure. Still ET is probably worse than Enter the Matrix.

ET almost killed video games.

I need to figure out where to get that one power spy. I'm convinced that card, Yennfer, and the scorch dragon are the best cards in the game.

They do. But once you understand the game, you can beat almost everyone with the starter deck.

Anyone else find the Bloody Baron, Keira and Crone quests in Velen extremely well done for main story content?

I did a couple. Both of them had some depth.

I've heard the endings in Witcher 3 are great.

I've got a feeling that whenever it is it will feel too soon :(

I remember the week that game came out there was an ice storm that took out my power for a week.

And the relic quest is one of the grindiest bullshit things in Final Fantasy history (excepting FFXI which is the standard by which all grinds should he measured).

Stoneskin is my level four spell waifu.

There is some weird lifehacking time-maximization hand wringing going on in the other comments. If you cannot find time to play the Witcher 3, you cannot find time play any other game presumably. Finishing is a different thing, but I'd hope most people could learn how to put aside a game they aren't finding

I really really don't want to stop playing Witcher to help with the FC, but I think I have to.

There is also a consensus in the game community that the endings of these huge RPGS are of critical importance. I think the middle is more important. I played through until the point of no return in the story in Dragon Age. I don't feel any desire to go back to it, but I still think the game was pretty good, and I

The anxiety is real, but I treat games like this as only to be played when you've got a weekend free. Stock the fridge with some dew and the pantry with some Doritos (cool ranch obv) and go to town getting lost. I find that you can reduce the anxiety by accepting that you may not finish the game. In my experience,

This is what I say to myself on most of the games Gameological covers. Still nice reading about them though.

It isn't. But the replacement game Gwent is much better. They basically added a CCG to the game complete with deck building and card collecting.