
I realize I've never used cultural appropriation as a reason to not do something. I think it's time to change that.

I realize I've never used cultural appropriation as a reason to not do something. I think it's time to change that.

I realize I've never used cultural appropriation as a reason to not do something. I think it's time to change that.

Death Wish- Damn if I don't think shooting a young mugger in the back is the best way to deal with a crime epidemic. But I'll be damned if I don't enjoy watching Bronson's pulchritudinous mug mow down petty criminals.

I cannot imagine watching a Let's Play video. I couldn't watch them at work, and I think friends and family might murder me if I used limited TV/Game Playing time to watch some punk yell "Git Gud" at some other punk.

I had to ditch my XBOX instruments after an intense bout of bed bugs. I wonder if the songs will transfer from my X BOX live account to me PS4.

I just find games like Isaac take too much focus. But I like them in small doses. It's just if I really want to spend a day in a world I know I'll be reaching for a Pillars of Eternity or Skyrim.

I still prefer the unfocused experience, but I also tend to stop playing games like Skyrim after I get what I want from it.

This talk of pared down games being better than sprawling, unfocused, mechanically imprecise, and massive games is very interesting to me. Personally even though my time is fairly limited (jobs and bullshit always distracting me from games), I prefer the unfocused sprawl. There is something pleasing about getting lost

The aw-shucks aren't I a genius that hangs out with other geniuses shtick in Just Kid would grate if it wasn't coming from the artist responsible for horses.

I bought Star Wars Imperial Assault recently. Scratches that playing with star wars toys itch real good.

I'm a fan of Dan's particular brand of madness.

The Bombcast is one of maybe four podcasts that I always listen to.

I don't think games can be obsolete any more than music can said to be obsolete.

I have a serious problem in that I buy games all the time. I almost never finish them, and in some cases I don't even start them. This backlog is likely more than 100+ games at this point, and most of these were purchased at full price:

I'm sure whatever the release date ends up being will be pushed back at least twice.

I'm a little further than you, and I think some of the other NPC's are more interesting.

I'm not a fan of that priest.

Man those first two albums really were the best for capturing that post-grad feeling that everything is going to be fucked.

As a big fan of that game, I have one critical bit of advice: save often with multiple files.