
…And Justice League For "Brawl"

Justifying Aquaman League

I just like to chuckle thinking about Gal Gadot blocking Geoff Johns after this tweet.

This dude's vision for every bar is a Douchebag McSportsbar every damn time. He never seems to nail the basic appeal of a dive or small local hangout and itrs kinda hilarious how some place with just a glimmer of personality will eventually become a slightly nicer Buffalo Wild Wings overnight. The Piratz episode where

More like Wunderbar Rescue amirite

oh this is rich

I'll use Fire! That's a neat trick.

I thought it was just barely an album. It felt like some scattershot song ideas, but not much in the way of memorable material. I really wanted to like it and gave it a shot, but it really felt like a farted out half-hearted effort.

Classic Puke Ellington!

W-which one's the ugly one?!

Pat Boone is a boring old biddy.

an underrated classic that's been getting its due in the past few years. I saw Hum last year on a double bill with Failure and the whole night just blew me away. I'm glad two 90s bands that offered such great soundscapes compared to what was more fashionable at the time are still around to kick ass.

AV Club reporting on Rolling Stone reporting on a Reddit user's thread.

trolling us all!

I suppose it's the second best then

people are looking forward to a Star Wars prequel. what a time to be alive.

this is basically the High School Talent Show Remix

Wow, he discusses GREEN DAY?! Finally someone steps out of the shadows to finally give that forgotten trio of pranksters their due.

I find the timing of the release of that Ninja Turtles trailer to be totally hilarious now