
right there with you. I think the general public doesn't really give a shit how they're adapted for movies, but at least the comics and animated series give the characters their due. Plus the makers of Young Justice need the Netflix views to be able to pitch doing a new season, so best time to get cracking on that too.


I was thinking about something along the same lines. Hell, get Brandon Routh's Superman to show up and just look at Cavill's Superman disapprovingly, like "This is not the kind of man I ever aimed to be". Since Routh's Superman was our one and only tie to the Reeve era "noble" Superman, it could kinda work to handwave

Snyder confirmed for illiterate

the Human Rights campaign has the right idea asking ALL of Hollywood to boycott Georgia over this nonsense. Same should go for North Carolina and its equally insulting and horribly bigoted anti-LGBT bill recently passed. If you want to live in the dark ages, then it should come with all the trimmings - no movies being

Zack Snyder did

I posted earlier that I never thought I'd be feeling wistful for Superman Returns of all things, but here we are. That movie looks like a forgotten classic compared to this drek.

I'm a huge DC fan. Always have been, over Marvel (though I do read both - my emotional attachment is to DC characters though, since I was a kid). I do not WANT these movies to fail. But it just continues to hurt me when they DO. And these movies give us enough advance warning that they will in fact be terrible

hahaha "if". This guy!

my theory is that Snyder has incriminating info or pictures on someone in Hollywood, and this is their way of keeping him happy

"And the worst part is…I NEVER LEARNED TO READ!"

they could have Snyder work off his debt to the studio by washing dishes 24/7!

superheroes should be people that the general public feels relieved to see when they come in for the save. none of these Snyder creations inspire much hope or joy. Just misery and darkness. This idiot will go on to defend his decisions too, instead of owning up to the point that Marvel simply does this way better. And

so what's next for Snyder? a Flash that's addicted to coke? Green Lantern as a Judge Dredd ripoff uberfascist?

They'll never stop the su-pers!
Have no fear, they've got stories for years!

World building, providing likeable characters, memorable dialogue - all these things seem to come in secondary or even tertiary to DC/WB versus "hurr who would win in a fight". Plot-wise, I feel that only the Captain America movies are compelling among the Marvel fare, but overall those movies are what superhero

that's pretty much it. He takes in no subtext or subtlety, just "badass" moments, poses, lines, etc. There's no charm or wit to his take on superheroes at all.

I wasn't a big fan but I never in a million years thought I'd find myself feeling nostalgic for Superman Returns

is this your Tight Five for your set at the Chuckle Hut

Another thing that's a glaringly obvious sign that Snyder doesn't even read the comics he claims to love when adapting: the whole fucking reason Superman fights Batman in The Dark Knight Returns (which I guess he really wanted to adapt instead) was because the US Government manipulates Superman into fighting him due