
Zack Snyder probably has an intern summarize the highlights of every comic he tries to adapt, because it really seems like he doesn't understand or even necessarily like comics.

I knew full well this movie was going to disappoint on several fronts, and here we are. Zack Snyder screwed up hard with the last movie but there were small pockets of hope for an improvement - but Hollywood being as dunderheaded as it always is, chose to keep the screw-up around to then eventually screw up on an even

I really need to stop falling in love with Anna Kendrick with every single photo I see of her

that she is. particularly impressive that she taught herself some piano for White Chalk, playing tenor sax on that Desert Sessions track she did, just a great musical all-rounder. Which is why I think giving her the title "guitar goddess" is underselling her talent.

no she's a fine guitar player, but that's not the center of what makes her an amazing musician. she's known more for her voice, lyrics and overall songwriting than just playing guitar. I just think "goddess" is a bit much.

"guitar goddess"?

"Please come see this movie! They're going to take my thumbs!" ~ Simon Pegg

if you pretend Yield was their last album, it kinda works. It's a decent late-career album. The rest of their career has careened between incredibly boring stadium rock and Springsteen-lite dadrock.

my wife as well, a S-K song comes on and she immediately hates every syllable sung by Corin Tucker. It never bothered me too much but I can totally understand that it can be off-putting to some.

G I Joooooooe?

"Meh, how about instead we do Die Hard…on a TRAIN!"

American Horror Story: COPS

might I suggest a severely autotuned Don't Go Away?

You're on thin ice, Internet!

President Keith David's little funky head bops to Get Schwifty were pretty great

seeing the triumphant return of Pussy On the Chainwax, and an in-universe example of the catchphrase actually having caught on in that reality - was the most amazing thing ever. Huge laughs from me and it was the best punchline to a great sketch.

Shia Lebeouf confirmed to play Shoe.

want to touch the hiney

I AM PRO-TRYING TO STAY RELEVANT/ANTI-VACCINES THAT SAVE LIVES, pls get that straight #thenumber23wasntabadmovieguys #myperformancewasgood

Another triumph for the former retirement home of Office Space on cable!