
exactly. the genre fans didn't exactly impress anyone with their big ol' outrage over the casting of a fictional character. I'm sure he feels the backlash would be even nastier if he was the star of a decades old franchise.

were you around for the frothing at the mouth when they cast a black Perry White? Not even the superhero himself, but one of his very minor supporting cast. Outrage! It was pretty hilarious watching these farts who like to boast how they "live their lives by Superman's example" then turn around and go "well the

I can totally see Limbaugh with a baseball hat and turned up shirt collars lurking at truck stops looking for a good ol' handy J.

I feel kinda bad for Idris Elba, even though I'm sure he has a solid acting career at the moment. He's right though, no matter how good a job he'd do with Bond (and he would be absolutely fantastic), he would be called "the black Bond" and no actor wants that dogging him for the rest of his career. I didn't even know

it gives me a small jolt of joy to see WHM get mentioned on an article like this. Those guys are super funny and deserve an even wider audience while they retain that particular style of riffing and excellent impressions.

Why does Waller risk the lives of hundreds on an untested interrogator with that little time to spare? That idiocy aside, this was one fine episode. Hit the superhero team up notes perfectly. This is basically the Superman & Batman teamup we should have gotten a long time ago - I doubt the upcoming Snyder flick will

I just got volume four of the new 52 Green Arrow series, the start of the Jeff Lemire run (I think) after hearing good things. Can't wait to dive in!

which makes the episodes' parody with CARTMANBRAH fairly accurate. Out of all showrunners out there, Parker and Stone seem to have the easiest time relating to and exploring the latest trends and fads. Whenever other shows try to be topical or explore "what the kids are into" it usually just comes off very

it happens. everyone has a "dud" somewhere in their career. I wanted to like his latest one, and Finest Hour did grow on me eventually but I agree, it feels like a lot of his fire has been dialed back a bit. I guess quitting weed/drinking/becoming a dad will do that for a little while - hopefully he has some

Star Wars material makes me more tired than angry. Every time there's a Star Wars joke in someone's repertoire I know it's time to get up and get a drink.

Latest album was slightly weaker, but I still dug it. I loved Werewolves and Feeling Kinda Patton, he was at the top of his game then. I just wish he hasn't fallen into the same trap of "here are 20 stories about my kids" every new parent comedian falls into.

I'm looking forward to America sprinkling pickle juice on their sandwiches in solidarity

Will Smith sucks

Article below that headline was a generic article about radiation's effect on DNA. I was a little disappointed, but it was cool to see a Wayne Tech reference there for a couple of seconds. I thought the show was "banned" from mentioning anything Superman or Batman related, but it's neat to get those references now and

Iris sucks. She is annoying and incredibly one note. She's not a journalist, just someone with a shitty blog in a sea of shitty blogs. Her father, best friend and boyfriend keep telling her it is not safe to associate her name with a vigilante who has powerful enemies but she does it anyway because "hope". Not once do


I just loved those spooky sparse shots of the city. The desolated buildings and the eerie quiet just worked so well. They haven't made me sit up and drink in the visuals like that in a long time, not since the first season

Its the Tumblrification of media, sadly. Everyone is out to get you with their racist, sexist, non PC agendas.

Yeah yeah everything is racist, everything is offensive. I'm Indian and I found the customer service guy hilarious. Now please tell me how I'm not supposed to find him funny either because everything and everyone everywhere is racist.

I don't know why they dispatch easily butthurt reviewers to write about offensive/politically incorrect shows.