
I'm just imagining the Joker sneaking up, oversized gun in hand, and then when he sees Batman talking to a pig, just kinda stops and has a classic cartoon style long silent stare with a few blinks thrown in, his eyes narrow and he just tells Harley to can the whole thing.

Huh I actually liked this episode.

this article would have been enhanced if we actually had audio of brian posehn giving his response, because that dude's voice is hilarious


I think for Joan, it's just a relief to have a man around who can just be her friend (as superficial as the friendship may seem) and not try and get some tail in the process. He buys her kid presents, takes them to the beach, carves turkey during thanksgiving and won't try and make her feel cheap. Then Roger can come

people were theorizing that Peggy was written out of the show the previous season since she moved to a different company, but she still remained prominent and even came back into the fold. Chances are we'll still see those 3 characters and they'll be involved in the final season.

a scratched cornea or whatever he got probably takes a while longer to heal properly than facial cuts. but I'm no doctor

Bert needed a cat on his lap in that scene. Or a komodo dragon.

and then we watch Pete break his fist on the iron-like jaw of that baby.

We needed to see a minister who implied someone like MLK Jr was in Hell or whatever, get punched. Punched hard

It's interesting how Peggy got on her high horse with Joan about sleeping her way to the top, but while the former had no ladder-climbing aspirations through sleeping with Ted, it seemed she wasn't too concerned with wrecking a marriage. Peggy's become so much more hardened since season 1.

I too think she committed suicide on that ship. She was far away from her idiot son, was adored by a new man, finally enjoying herself. She probably figured she would never be this happy again in what remained of her life, so she took control instead of going with the flow (as it were).

god you fucking hipsters, we get it already. you hated the Superman movie, jeez. Just keep giving Fast and Furious "ironic" B+ reviews and go about your day, christ.

more like Jizzebel amirite

Deafheaven’s music isn’t about making things as heavy as possible.
Instead, its approach is akin to a painter understanding that much of
art’s beauty lies in the blank space on the canvas that makes the
flashes of color that much more awe-inspiring.

Don and Bob should just start new lives together somewhere else.

that shot was so simple but beautiful. In that moment, Don Draper just became so incredibly pathetic. lost the admiration and respect of his daughter, possibly for the rest of their lives. a once hot-shot ad exec reduced to canvassing clients for possible tips on how to get his lover's kid out of the draft. getting

maybe, but this show rarely wastes time on character building only for it to be a throwaway. there probably is something else about Bob that is yet to be revealed.

It's all your juice!

that makes sense. thanks!