
anyone notice that the copyright notice at the end credits said 2012 instead of 2013? Mistake, or was this episode completed last year and simply held over for broadcast now?

if only this sugar was as sweet as you

I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Quick, let's bring it back with high DVD/BluRay sales!

you know Family Guy's getting lazier and lazier if at least two of the cutaway gags involved movie theater audience reactions.

Seriously. The Jerry Lewis homage was pretty obvious.

"Francine is right. You are garbage."
*bird crackhead hangs his head in shame*

why do they though? I don't get it, it's a great gag and it hurts no one.


A- just for the image of Steve playing trumpet till he throws up through it, and disappointed Francine turning him on his side so he doesn't choke on it, causing just a little more vomit to pour out.

Strange how both The Simpsons and Bob's Burgers did episodes where a teacher is being a douche to one of the kids; Bob's Burgers carried it better though.

I really, really wanted to enjoy this episode but it was just so damn weak. WEAK. And they had Principal Lewis as the villain, and that dude can be straight up crazy. In fact, I think "real life" Principal Lewis is way more outrageous and violent than his supervillain persona here. Weird how it turned out that way.

I spent a lot of this episode just sighing impatiently. Every fucking joke, I just sighed and cursed out loud.


Having discovered the awesomeness that is We Hate Movies recently, I can safely say that podcast gently shits all over HDTGM. For one thing, they're not afraid to rip on everyone involved in the movie - HDTGM seems to tiptoe around really letting someone have it for being in a/creating a bad movie because they're "in

let us not forget his amazing turns in 30 Rock as Dr Drew Baird/Abner/David Brinkley

Any of the creations from Stan's Food Restaurant from that episode of American Dad.

Tracy Jordan, reading glasses on, reading a magazine: Too soon!

well later in the season she confronts him about he uses people, and how he places his needs above others' needs, especially hers…but then she goes ahead and does exactly that, in her own way. And she doesn't seem to really get the irony.

I don't see much reason to watch the show any more now that the arguably best/most interesting character, Peter Russo, is dead. Though Kristen Connolly is pretty easy on the eyes, plus it'll be interesting to see if her character toughens up over season 2 to get to the bottom of Peter's death. Or perhaps she'll seek