
ah yes, you are correct. editing.

ah yes, you are correct. editing.

All I could think of when they devoted about 3 minutes airtime to Christine was "wow, I'm sure she's talented but this is sort of crossing the line from being complimentary to being patronizing. Get your tongues out of her ass already." SHE'S BLIND HEY GUYS DID ANY OF YOU NOTICE THAT WOW AND DESPITE THOSE ODDS…

All I could think of when they devoted about 3 minutes airtime to Christine was "wow, I'm sure she's talented but this is sort of crossing the line from being complimentary to being patronizing. Get your tongues out of her ass already." SHE'S BLIND HEY GUYS DID ANY OF YOU NOTICE THAT WOW AND DESPITE THOSE ODDS…

I will miss her cuteness. Manufactured quirks and all.

I will miss her cuteness. Manufactured quirks and all.

the problem with that (for Walt) would be that it would mean diluting his genius via a "legit" company. He would need partners, shareholders, board of directors, a CFO, a CIO, etc. And Walt is a super control freak who craves that singular recognition for his genius. Also, he wouldn't be able to explain where that

the problem with that (for Walt) would be that it would mean diluting his genius via a "legit" company. He would need partners, shareholders, board of directors, a CFO, a CIO, etc. And Walt is a super control freak who craves that singular recognition for his genius. Also, he wouldn't be able to explain where that

That was the funniest part of that scene, I loved that little exchange

That was the funniest part of that scene, I loved that little exchange

I was cringing during that entire dinner scene. It was hilarious (and we got to see a glimpse of the old season 1 Jesse - lots of season 1 callbacks tonight) and also incredibly tense as well. 

I was cringing during that entire dinner scene. It was hilarious (and we got to see a glimpse of the old season 1 Jesse - lots of season 1 callbacks tonight) and also incredibly tense as well. 

the user reviews on Wal-Mart's own website state that the steaks from there are nothing like the ones on the show. Total scam.

the user reviews on Wal-Mart's own website state that the steaks from there are nothing like the ones on the show. Total scam.

I've kept watching HK too and I don't know why either. It's such an ugly mess of a show with the most food-illiterate ghetto people who claim to "know fine dining" but have the most closed off palates ever, hoping to score a gig working in a gourmet restaurant.

I've kept watching HK too and I don't know why either. It's such an ugly mess of a show with the most food-illiterate ghetto people who claim to "know fine dining" but have the most closed off palates ever, hoping to score a gig working in a gourmet restaurant.

Yeah I really didn't get the point of making them work in a "real" kitchen as a challenge either. They're home cooks, not line cookrs or sous chefs or whatever. The discipline and time management skills for working a Michelin rated kitchen have to be vastly different from the demands of single moms or grad students.

Yeah I really didn't get the point of making them work in a "real" kitchen as a challenge either. They're home cooks, not line cookrs or sous chefs or whatever. The discipline and time management skills for working a Michelin rated kitchen have to be vastly different from the demands of single moms or grad students.

if that's the case, she's playing the game well

if that's the case, she's playing the game well