
this untalented ho-bag knows she needs to glom off Kendrick's natural talent

this untalented ho-bag knows she needs to glom off Kendrick's natural talent

the Simpsons were just animated better back in those days. nowadays the show looks the way Glee makes songs sound

the Simpsons were just animated better back in those days. nowadays the show looks the way Glee makes songs sound

I really wanted to see the chefs crack into laughter for pimping Wal-Mart the amount that they did. It must have been painful to say on national TV that fucking Wal-Mart is known for their high quality steaks. If you go to the Wal-Mart website right now, there are several POOR reviews of their shitty steaks left by

I really wanted to see the chefs crack into laughter for pimping Wal-Mart the amount that they did. It must have been painful to say on national TV that fucking Wal-Mart is known for their high quality steaks. If you go to the Wal-Mart website right now, there are several POOR reviews of their shitty steaks left by

Anyone get the feeling that Fox is frankly bored with this show? Like, while they were in the midst of shooting it, and now broadcasting it, they just don't give a fuck about it any more? This episode in particular tried to inject "Gordon Ramsay yells at people in a kitchen" into it to streamline it with all the other

Anyone get the feeling that Fox is frankly bored with this show? Like, while they were in the midst of shooting it, and now broadcasting it, they just don't give a fuck about it any more? This episode in particular tried to inject "Gordon Ramsay yells at people in a kitchen" into it to streamline it with all the other

Holy. Fuck. That ending.Todd really wants to impress the boss in a "going above and beyond" kind of way. The first indication was him not only disabling the nannycam, but making sure to suck up to them by telling them about it afterwards. Now he's taking their orders quite literally and not thinking twice about

Holy. Fuck. That ending.Todd really wants to impress the boss in a "going above and beyond" kind of way. The first indication was him not only disabling the nannycam, but making sure to suck up to them by telling them about it afterwards. Now he's taking their orders quite literally and not thinking twice about

truly, the man is a wordsmith

truly, the man is a wordsmith

It kinda relates back to how Skyler initially thought this money laundering business would be very simple black and white stuff, the same kind of naivete Walt had when he started out cooking. She's only seen the tip of this iceberg and it's already way over her head.

It kinda relates back to how Skyler initially thought this money laundering business would be very simple black and white stuff, the same kind of naivete Walt had when he started out cooking. She's only seen the tip of this iceberg and it's already way over her head.

Don't accuse me of "not paying attention" so glibly like that based on one comment I posted on my own observation of a TV series. People have different interpretations of art, no need to be a dick about it.

Don't accuse me of "not paying attention" so glibly like that based on one comment I posted on my own observation of a TV series. People have different interpretations of art, no need to be a dick about it.

he tried to lay a kiss on Carmen and was promptly denied. he didn't press on, or try his luck with another woman. He didn't even try to get Gretchen to cheat on her husband with him,and they had a past.

he tried to lay a kiss on Carmen and was promptly denied. he didn't press on, or try his luck with another woman. He didn't even try to get Gretchen to cheat on her husband with him,and they had a past.

his shitty non-rapping will not be missed.

his shitty non-rapping will not be missed.