
they got complaints that nunchucks were too violent. They also made sure their weapons never really harmed or hit anyone, just set off things like buttons, chandeliers, etc.

they got complaints that nunchucks were too violent. They also made sure their weapons never really harmed or hit anyone, just set off things like buttons, chandeliers, etc.

Sir! I demand satisfaction for this insult against the Ninja Turtles! The basest turtle is CLEARLY Donatello.

Sir! I demand satisfaction for this insult against the Ninja Turtles! The basest turtle is CLEARLY Donatello.

that Lumineers song was on some ad. I dunno, a car or a phone or some shit. fuckdamn, music has homogenized so bad.

that Lumineers song was on some ad. I dunno, a car or a phone or some shit. fuckdamn, music has homogenized so bad.

pavement AND don cab on the same night? pls 2 give

pavement AND don cab on the same night? pls 2 give

any theater that offers real butter on their popcorn AND handy Js during the boring scenes from peggy olson gets my patronage

I'll just wait for the inevitable gritty reboot, Step Up: Rise.

I'll just wait for the inevitable gritty reboot, Step Up: Rise.

Loved the H.E.L.P.eR reference. Also, any return of Roberto is a-ok in my book.

Loved the H.E.L.P.eR reference. Also, any return of Roberto is a-ok in my book.

Josh laughing his ass off at David forgetting his rice was pretty priceless. I guess they may be trying to make him a villain instead of Becky now? I still think Becky's the best of the bunch (and Monti can still surprise you), plus she was nice and shared her rice with David, so I guess they're going a different

Josh laughing his ass off at David forgetting his rice was pretty priceless. I guess they may be trying to make him a villain instead of Becky now? I still think Becky's the best of the bunch (and Monti can still surprise you), plus she was nice and shared her rice with David, so I guess they're going a different

It makes absolutely no sense. Based on the fact that David's dish was "unedibly disgusting", AND he forgot his damn rice and couldn't think of a different dish on the spot, he should have been sent packing. I guess David Martin-EZ gets to fight another day. A shame.

It makes absolutely no sense. Based on the fact that David's dish was "unedibly disgusting", AND he forgot his damn rice and couldn't think of a different dish on the spot, he should have been sent packing. I guess David Martin-EZ gets to fight another day. A shame.

"Isn't he a little OLD to be doing karate?"

"Isn't he a little OLD to be doing karate?"

god, same here. just the way he sings that word, brandishing his ring. it's just the perfect quote to bust out when the fuck ever.