
Yes bro, I know what satire is. I wouldn't be a fan of 30 Rock without understanding what it is. Read what I wrote - I thought the subplot was a stretch for gags, and the resolution of all the shitty couches simply being bought en masse by the government was just weak, in my opinion.

I thought it was a pretty good episode, a B from me. I agree that the Kouchtown C plot was kinda weak and a bit of a stretch for gags (the government will buy thousands of these couches as torture/enhanced interrogation devices? really?) but the A plot worked really well and so did Jenna's celebrity meltdown B plot. I

I just love that Pete was laid out by a stuffy older Brit using straight up FISTICUFFS. Old timey defending-my-honor kind of fisticuffs. And then Lane walks out like a BOSS. Pretty awesome.

Jon Hamm totally nailed that kinda awkward, almost telling look after he corrected the name to be "whitman". Two people at that table - Megan and Pete - know his real name. It wasn't a slip-up but he treated it like it was. Plus Megan almost giving herself away with not knowing Cynthia's name was hilarious too. I was

Josh Brolin/Goatse

she came back, but not on fire though

How Did This Get Made really tested my patience. Even when my friends and I are excitedly talking about something, like tearing down a bad movie, we at least wait our turn to speak instead of talking over each other. I can't even listen to what everyone is saying on this podcast because everyone is just YELLING most

I'm guessing this would be B+ territory if it was about Dawes.


Laying it on a bit thick with the melodramatic goodbye, aren't we?

no shut up

I just want AV Club to then claim that they'll never let anyone run a Rabin review ever again, complete with certificate of authenticity.

Stan's feigned ignorance of the possibility of putting the film online was hilarious. Especially with the subtle lean forward and the long blink. I laughed at that bit because we've all seen people do that.

I really don't understand this zeal to uncover the "true" state where Springfield is located. It's meant to be an amalgam of various cities and specific to none. Part of the gag about
Springfield is that it is a city that has everything the plot will require.

that's what went through my head during that scene where he wakes up. More along the lines of the American Psycho movie where we wonder, did he or didn't he, or did someone cover up for him really well to protect his reputation.

I'm entitled to opinions of the opinion that he's entitled to his opinion

yeah that part confuses me. like 30 Rock was this transcendent show that ended famines, wars, etc with the power of its funny, but now it's "just one joke after another". Isn't that what comedies are meant to be?

I felt that if I left a comment that railed against Rabin's vitriolic rage against what seems to me at worst a middle of the road season of 30 Rock with laughs still a-plenty, I'd still get shouted down for complaining about the review writeup itself and not the show.

this was a great episode, but Rabin's entitled to his opinion