
this is true. but he's still written as the "lovable fat guy" on the show. who maaaay or may not be closeted.

what kind of smell accompanies the feeling of being king of the world?

while Duck is just odd.

when Roger was talking to Don near the end of the episode,it did actually make me think of the "Don getting hired" flashback. Don was a young buck once, and Roger took a chance with him. Don's been an asset ever since. I doubt he was as much of a pain in the ass as Pete is now since he had some amount of humility and

haha she's such a terrible fucking mother. $5 says she lets one of them almost drown while she calls the nearest man asking him what she should do.

This Dawes not rock

I think Harry eats first plenty of times, from the looks of it

you are generous to a fault. For that, I will bump up my rating of A Ghost is Born from a B- to an A-, Mr Tweedy.

I thought that too, about the "bitchin" line. Seemed a bit anachronistic to me, I didn't think that came into play until at least the 70s, if not the 80s. The show does slip up once in a blue moon with anachronistic dialogue but that kind of stuck out.

I cheered when I saw Fat Betty. Keep her that way and also keep barraging her with horrible things all season, please. Cancer scares. Mumps. A mild bit of plague. A piano and a safe falling on her. Her mole exploding.

A D from the reviewer, a D+ from the community? AV Club Commenters, don't go soft on me!

and then eventually leaving the franchise entirely to do other things. Possibly Swingers 2: The Hangover 3? One can only dream.

I think the parents of the bullied kids should legally be allowed to beat the fucking shit out of the bullies while their parents watch.

that still makes the cat way more appealing than Santorum

the delivery on that line killed me.

exactly. just let cartoons be silly sometimes. just because the episode opens with the Republican debates doesn't mean they HAVE to get all preachy and soapbox-y. Cause if they did that, then the reviewer probably would have been on their ass about making a preachy way-too-topical episode instead of just concentrating

i kept laughing at Oh Lord Johnson. especially when it replaced Ron Paul

thanks for cleverly mentioning you have a wife. makes the rest of us feel…so cold…

The Brian Unger Games

"I just wanted to put this on the record, I just cut a wicked coffee fart and I love the last season of Batman Beyond a hell of a lot. Ok, so on with the interview…"