
Morning Cigarette does sound like a cool band name.

Dawes not compute

this show isn't a "drop in now and then to see what's up" kind of show. It's a slow burn, it builds up characters, it doesn't have "big" moments like something exploding or someone having their head cut off but it has "big" character moments that play out with subtlety. While most TV is set up to cater to an ADD-like

and YET…

First strike: that fucking picture. It makes me want to punch him until I need new hands.
Second strike: track starts with a voicemail sample. LAME. Didn't they phase out this hoary old chestnut in the 90s?
Third strike: the fucking music itself. It's like a non-ironic Lonely Island rip on New Jack Swing songs. This

it's my constantly held belief that Kevin Smith was not responsible for making the animated show as funny as it was. That honor lay with Paul Dini and David Mandel.

"Why are we walking like this?"
*potted plant*

Just don't talk about the war!

The bean ballet gag was great. As well as Harry's embarrassment when he was talking about Megan - how many times has THAT happened in a workplace? I've never liked Harry and if they want to fire someone from the office AND the show (to save some money since AMC likes to slash budgets on a whim), they should make it

I didn't think of that but it's a good theory. Thing is she calls herself his "girl" instead of "his wife" because she "can't call herself that". I don't think prostitutes ever think of themselves in the same boat as wives. Plus the "Xs and Os forever" isn't exactly prostitute to pimp speak unless she's one hell of a

our little Sals is becoming a woman. *sniff* Sunrise, sunset…

the minute I heard bottles clinking I just KNEW…

Are you a Kardashian? Cause I see no other reason for you to defend them this hard. Let the actually talented people trash the useless douchebags.

I stopped reading at "seapunk figurehead".

the fact that he still has a career means droves of howling dudebros and personality-challenged sorority girls still find his horrible schlock hilarious.

DANE COOK. Straight up.

"Aziz Ansari has also self-released a" *please don't let the last word be "sextape" * 

see you this July, yo.

I let you eat the cookies my mom sent me! How could you do this!

But they all look so happy and friendly in that publicity shot!