

I have to say, this comments section was one of the few high points I had to look forward to during this season of Walking Dead. We've all laughed together, cried together, scratched our heads over character inconsistencies together. I will miss you all till the fall.

It's a Ricktatorship!

I was also a little disappointed that Rick didn't end his revelatory speech about them all being infected with the line "We're all the walking dead".

PFFFT I didn't even think of that!

the "Who else but ShirtPants?" gag got my one and only laugh. I liked that cutaway the first time it was used, and it was good to see it used again. Oh yeah and Quagmire still hating Brian's pretentious airs, even when he's starting with a clean slate.

The reanimated Kisses was a bit much for me to take. The concept of its eyes being its testicles now was kinda funny but I found that bit kinda grotesque. I thought the show was going to go in a different direction - Stan losing Kisses, and then going through a whole litany of dogs just to patch up that hole, causing

T-Dog in: Driving Miss Lazy

I definitely yelped "MICHONNE!" the second I saw her onscreen.

Great episode overall. The only bit of forehead slapping for me came when they were playing rail shooter with their cars. It's hard enough to shoot straight when freaked out, how the hell do they get perfect headshots while in a moving vehicle doing about 40?

"I don't understand your art, Kevin."

great episode

Now I want a photoshop of Kermit and Animal having Cobain up on a pinball machine.

…bury me at snarkout creek…

I know we should all be making Videodrome jokes, but all I can think of is the South Park episode with the Jonas Bros singing about abstinence, mainly because of the hilarious way they sing "NETFLIXXXX…BABEH". It's how I've pronounced Netflix ever since.

the shot of Shane and Rick with the moon behind them was just beautiful. I wish the show would go for more cinematic panoramas like that, Breaking Bad style.

those clips were…difficult to watch.

the gag with the museum objects coming to life, and young-Stan statue feeling left out of the nighttime makeouts was absolutely hysterical.

Same, I actually thought it was the best of the night.

I enjoyed every part of this.