
no such thing as god

Bay Man and the Assblasters of the Universe

point taken!

even FX doesn't want to admit Archer is awesome

this was a C episode at best. The second I realized it was a Social Network parody/Facebook satire, it was groans-a-plenty. Although yeah the hippo conversation was pretty funny.

Do YOU come with the car?

hahaha that may very well be likely

THANK you. The navel gazing meta postmodern "lol I'm IN on the joke guys!" shit needs to stop. We get it, you're self aware. Welcome to many, many years ago.

that Lana Del Manta Ray woman was atrocious. I guess if a woman is tall and can fill out a dress, she's immediately the new hipster darling "chanteuse"? At least Florence Welch can actually belt out a song. Hipsters ruin everything GAWWW </randy>

I want to Romance the (Emma) Stone.

ScarJo's ass must be in more than 2 dimensions for any of the fucks to be given.

sounds like someone needs to have a few words…with friends.

well I guess the Klan has to buy their wood and lighter fluid from SOMEwhere.

all I know is, I want to move to Chicago to meet the AV Club staffer in front with the long curly hair and red dress right behind Flansburgh. Hachi machi.

The reviewer was so busy giving the typical AV Club overly involved review of a TV funny show (which, don't get me wrong, is the reason I love this site) and giving the episode a B+ grade, she completely missed the fact that Mac's real name being Ronald McDonald elevates this episode into A+ territory beyond the

I'm sure Harlan Ellison will find a way to sue the cloud that is the internet in some way or another. Thus making the Simpsons bit a reality.

I wonder if it's possible to get video tombstones that just flash this photo to people walking by your grave.

I love that photo. It's all sorts of awesome.

boosh. well put.

will Lori give up her baby because she's a Scientologist?