
I just imagined Shane running around with Walking on Sunshine playing in the background

They mentioned on the Talking Dead show that a stray bit of dialogue indicated that it was actually Otis' job to corral these random zombies and put them in the barn (how he would do it without dying or losing more farmhands is beyond me) so it's quite possible that in the rush they were in to send Otis and Shane off

this was too awesome for words

Avery explaining the plot of Avatar to Francine, then her snapping out of it to ask about Stan's scheme = awesome
The bathroom stall sight gag was amazing too. I never thought American Dad would ever come out on top over Family Guy, but there you go.

dooo iiiiit

I enjoyed that the episode seemed to flirt with the idea of getting everyone to switch roles, but didn't quite run with the idea (it was probably a bit much since the episode already had a lot to deal with).

that was probably my favorite joke(s) in the episode. Just Kyle looking super resigned (and kudos to the animators at getting a range of emotions from such simple character designs) and saying once and for all…that his name…is not…"KEUHL".

in other words, totally awesome.

The "Bro" lines between Lewis and Stan were funny, but the rest of the episode was kind of dull for me. I give it 2 copacetics out of 5.

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The episode should have ended with Maggie and Glenn looking at each other, then Glenn pulling out the 11 condoms out of his back pocket and going "K, we got 11 minutes."

I have no idea what people are complaining about, this episode was a riot of the laff variety.

it would have been hysterical if while herschel and rick were gazing out at the great scenery, off in the distance they could see a zombie pouncing on a skunk and eating it