Preparation Heche

Even when I didn't know it was him, I knew it was him!

Who downvoted such a pleasant trip down memory lane?

This is the 90s in a nutshell…

They fucked up the C-64 launch of Summer Games II, as well…

Welcome to the AV Club's newest feature: 365 days of talking about Pavement…


To be fair, it did make cotton production profitable again, thereby ensuring that slavery would remain a lucrative source of labor, particularly in the South.

Or reading an AV Club review of anything Oswalt does…

Fatty's got a point!

I'm gonna put that on my gravestone…

I have no choice in the matter…

I suspect you've been downvoted because Bruce fans don't like the gist of your comment. I downvoted you because your punctuation is fucking terrible.

Neko Case's most recent album was good, but was it "Warhorse" good?

Hey, everybody! Check out this guy who just made Sir Winston Douchechill cry like a little girl!

"Don't let the groovy necklaces fool you, kids…I'm 82 years old."

He's also got bolo ties. Makes him look all southern gentleman-like…

His footwork is amazing…

That's one of the few things he's said that makes TOTAL sense…

He's hunting a kitty cat!

Is that a snowman with a semaphore flag?