Preparation Heche

Oh man, I haven't seen a post from Tarkovsky's AD for ages…

That's kind of what he does…

Wait a minute! She was in Sleepaway Camp?!?!?

I do. How much do you need?

Too bad. I liked the Kris Kristofferson look…

While Kool watches from the sidelines…

Hey, everyone! Check out this homeless dude!

Picture of Manjula. Jan Hooks. DOB/DOD.

That's not what I'm talking about. The woman dropped her gun just before they started fighting—-well before Carol shot her in the leg. I'm saying that the rolling around on the floor could have been avoided had Carol not tried to kick her gun away.

Usually information gathering ends when someone pulls a gun on you. Could just be me though. I'm funny that way…

Made some bad choices while fighting Star Trek lady. The latter drops her gun and instead of just shooting the woman while she was sprawled on the floor, Carol tries to kick her gun away. YOU HAVE A FUCKING ASSAULT RIFLE, CAROL!!! SHOOT HER!!!!


Dude-baby laws are not governed by reason in this country…

You're a bit too late to offer suggestions. The movie's already been made…

Is Last Coming Standing some really bizarre porn-related reality series?

He also knows what Clayton Endicott III did.

Leave Robert Guillaume out of this!

I don't regularly watch any of those shit shows, so no…

"Amber Tamblyn…only stretches so far."

Well, you said something but it wasn't in upper case lettering, so no one gave a shit…