Monsterdong Pooptease

yeah I can never really shit on season 4 because,as much as this probably makes me a tool, the string of episodes that starts with Angel becoming Angelus and ends with Faith helping him get his soul back (and all the Wesley/Faith interactions contained therein) is probably my favorite part of both Buffy and Angel

just to butt in and maybe dispel your upset,

Actually it was just the conservative judges (well, conservatives and Kennedy, whatever you want to label him as). Breyer didn't have a skeleton face. Also, more accurately and, I think to the point, it was just the justices that voted to strike down the contraception mandate in the Hobby Lobby case.

If its true that the original ad featured the girl going off to join the military after the saccharine scene with her dad, it could be making a pretty subversive point about employing that kind of faux sentimentality as military propaganda by juxtaposing joining ISIS with joining the military…

Preferably with someone known only as "The Machine"

I am about to complete your life. You're welcome.

It was my main hobby for a while, but then I got really into Pogs. I've managed to collect some really sweet slammers.

Omg that is perfect

Seriously anytime any of the female characters used their powers on that show they made semi-orgasmic noises and then quickly fainted and were left useless for the rest of the fight. I half expected an episode where Storm couldn't control her powers because she was on her period.

If he had just been like "HEY YOU STAND UP" after requesting it of the audience generally for several minutes and the guy was like "I'm in a wheelchair", and he was like "oops lol on with the show", i would just assume he's pretty thoughtless and an insecure fool for being that adamant about people standing up for his

OMG YOU AREN'T E-POPULAR ON THE AV CLUB BUT SOLDIER ON ANYWAY I'm pretty sure they have congressional medals for this.

This amorphous "younger" age you're referring to must the reason for the extreme cowardice and lack of character on display. Back to reddit with ye, Cargo Pants!

My favorite relationship on the show was Apollo and the only 2 apparent shirts he owned that were always dirty or not available for some reason.

I definitely think you are onto something there, and also I only watched one and a half episodes, so maybe I'm not the best person to judge, but I also think some of it is the source. American prestige dramas have a level of polish or maybe just a particular style of editing that basically codes them as "prestige"

Yeah, I'm probably in a very small minority for this, but the text messaging thing was one of the reasons I couldn't get into Sherlock, though I admittedly need to give it another try when I have time. It just seemed kind of cheesdick to me.

I'd like to chime in for all the lurkers for years who actually very much enjoy your posts. Shine on like a diamond, live your life, and other Rhianna lyrics. We'll be over here, watching other people have a good time and being supremely creepy.

Yeah, my friends and I spent a week yelling "SOMEONE LEFT A BABY" at each other in that voice. Occasionally in public places. Probably not a great idea.