Monsterdong Pooptease

Flew right past that innuendo straight into Jismtown

If your book doesn't specifically have a plot device that requires a man or explore thematic issues with being a man, why would gender swapping one change how they've developed?

Jesus, Scrawler, I don't know how you wade through all this shit all day long, but I'm glad you do. I've been catching up on all of this the last day or so and some of these seemingly willfully obtuse responses have brought me to the edge of intense depression, but then there you'll be saying something imminently

Yeah, I was watching it with my mom (yeah, I'm pretty cool, guys), and she made some ridiculous comment about Carrie getting a bow and shooting the rope down (a joke.. I hope), and I told her that wasn't how hangings work, and then the show went and made me look like an asshole. Thanks, Homeland.

It feels like a fairly foreboding and perhaps poor choice for an episode that is a conclusion that really needs to stick it's landing.

the Clint Mansell scored main theme.. the one that plays as you are
leaving earth and everything is in the shitter; queue main title. Here:

Bizarre use of Mass Effect 3 music for next episode's teaser.

Very well said. I really hoped, and I think Todd did too, that the show would really stick the landing as far a being a dissection of the "anti-hero myth", and that all the "amusement park" aspects (great term for the more un-ironically played "badass" moments in the show) were just the carrot to get people to the end