Curly Jefferson

Rand must be taking notes from Abe Simpson. Can't hurt.

We could just have a discussion where you explain what we're missing?

I did, and obviously he was consciously a little less Kenny, but he was still cursing up a storm and showing his kids Human Centipede and was miserable. I guess, ultimately, April doesn't mind Kenny being Kenny as long as he's not fueled by fame and money.

Hey, you wanna go to prison with the nickname "The Tool Man"? Didn't think so.

I kind of wonder that too. I'm not sure if that's a failure in the writing or a fault of her character, but how is Kenny really all that different than he ever was? Maybe Kenny was really a great guy for the 3 or 4 years the show skipped over and only started being an asshole again in the first episode of this season?

To give him the benefit of the doubt I'll say he meant Wood's first mature film. But to be more realistic, he likely meant the first time Wood showed up on his radar.

It's funny that people were legitimately threatened and even scared by him at one time, and now he's just a middle-aged fat guy who loves Kenny Powers like the rest of us.

One of my favorite lines from that ep is when Kenny goes to Ashley Schaffer KIA and finds Stevie working there and being harassed by the other employees. The bald guy with glasses (who apparently is David Green's babysitter's husband who Green just thought was a riot) is making Stevie sniff his fingers and says

The nipples being oh so tiny and Kenny being somewhat impressed was what made the joke for me.

According to Kenny, it's what Dontel's breath smells like.

I almost hate to say it but this season may be better than the last. Although the last season had some of the best WTF moments of the entire series (Ashley Schaeffer's plantation dinner/cannon shooting sequence, for instance).

Menstruation jokes cross the line. On the other hand, racist jokes, jokes about chewing buttholes, etc. are perfectly acceptable.

He definitely did. I had to do a double take.

Kenny's insistence on talking into the mic even as he left the house during he and April's fight kept me laughing through what was an otherwise harrowing scene.

Yep, that was Marilyn.

I've seen The Walkmen mention The Cramps as a huge influence on their sound, which somehow makes complete sense to me.

A) Seinfeld did it brilliantly and not at the expense of an ongoing narrative; B) No one is expecting Breaking Bad, but expecting HIMYM to live up to the standard it set for itself should not be considered an unreasonable expectation.

Saw that egg contest preview too. My wife shouted "…and THAT's an episode?!" I think she thought tonight's episode was as low as it could go.

I'm guessing he didn't pull that out of thin air, no doubt there was fan chatter on the net to that effect.

Andy Dick was booked to be on a live Adam Carolla podcast at Lovitz's club (the booker obviously wasn't aware of the tensions) and when Lovitz found out, he told them to cancel Dick and he'd be the guest. It was all last minute and therefore kind of awkward but I respect it.