Curly Jefferson

I read a story back in the early '00s that part of the reason Rivers scrapped the concept album Songs from the Black Hole is because of Return of the Rentals. Apparently the Rentals album originally had no moog, just the fuzzy guitars and Sharp went back and added it after hearing Rivers' demos for Black Hole. Some

Yeah, what's the point? The visuals made the book. Just a book of that artwork alone would have been terrifying.

I don't think the mom was all wooden, she just had a wooden tail. (Not sure why)

How about the one where the supposed zit on the lady's face popped and a thousand baby spiders crawled out? I STILL think about that one and get the creeps.

I definitely think the first season was fueled by Simon's post-Katrina rage, but after a season or two, he started to feel better about exposing problems within New Orleans itself. Mind you, still not as comfortable as he was with exposing Baltimore, and still with a heavy balance (probably too much) of "but it's

Yeah, I think Simon absolutely loves NO. Like he's IN LOVE with the city. I got the feeling Simon cared deeply about Baltimore, but it was more of a love-hate thing.

I hearby request Tony Danza for Danny's dad.

At the very least, I commend them for getting back to the central conceit of the show, which is a family dealing with a dad with a debilitating illness going back to work (I think?). Too many episodes revolving around the aunt. The actress is good, but I get the vibe that the writers are already leaning on that

Perfect way to put it. Payne still lives in Omaha. I think he's showing what he observes in people in his home town. I don't think he's looking down at them from on high.

I actually wonder if it isn't a device to get Axl back in the house for the rest of the season. Maybe Mike makes him take a semester off a menial job to work so he can see why college matters? Or maybe to raise money for his tuition since he'll have lost his scholarship?

My mom's favorite hip-hopper is Snoopy Dogg.

Maybe that's the joke? Or it could be those microwavable ones that come in plastic containers.

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yaself.

"This nerd is horned-up" has officially entered my personal lexicon.

My wife lost it with the farting talk. She was eating something at the time and almost choked.

He won't have any lines. He'll just stare blankly into the camera, sax slung over his shoulder, blinking "S.O.S." in morse code.

I thought it was a good idea, but it never worked for the reasons you mentioned. Also, even if they DID know anything about those topics, it would probably end up being not very funny.

Yeah, hopefully part of Conan's deal with TBS was they had to give the stuff he develops a fighting chance. I wish it were an hour.

I find the actors all very likable and there are some good lines, but the plots often make no sense and the characters are wildly inconsistent in their behavior. I love MJF so I wouldn't mind if it got renewed (not likely) but it needs an overhaul and a showrunner with a strong vision.

I think NBC thinks it's still the '90s and people will watch a show just because someone they recognize is the lead. See also: Sean Saves The World.