Curly Jefferson

Yeah, I can see it too. McKay seems to think he was doing something pretty revolutionary at UCB (and maybe he was, I have no idea) and may have been unimpressed with Bruer's more straight-forward stand up informed comedy and seen it as the type of thing they were actively working against. He definitely fit more in the

KP with opera glasses should be the cover of the Season 4 DVD set.

I too had trouble believing parts of Bruer's stories. There was a lot of stuff that seemed to make for a good, linear story, but seemed a little bit too good to be true. Very entertaining though.

That's where I keep thinking it's going, with Kenny taking over Guy's show. It would be an interesting twist to have the show end with Kenny getting basically everything he wants—fame, money, etc. the only downside being that everyone who was ever close to him can't stand to be around him anymore.

I don't think it's necessarily meant to show that the audience is racist (I'd have to go back and check, but I think there are a lot of black people in the audience laughing at the joke), but more that the audience is still cheering on Kenny despite and maybe BECAUSE of his awfulness. They're just all in on whatever

No, it was meant to be super racist. Keep in mind, this IS the same audience that booed Donnell out of the building for doing the same thing Kenny does.

I've talked to people who met him in NOLA and said he was extremely nice and humble. If you listen to interviews with him, he's downright shy.

"Cassie, you fine piece of church ass."

Kenny thinking a therapist is some kind of snake charmer had me rolling.

Not tampons, "pads." I only say that to note the specificity with which McBride and Hill choose words is what makes their dialogue so goddamn funny.

You may be right, but I'd still love to see him tackle some Ellroy at some point. Maybe as an HBO/Netflix series.

I was reading The Road at my normal bedtime and ended up getting to that scene…well I sure as hell wasn't going to sleep after reading that shit, so I made myself finish the damn thing. Amazing book but just brutal.

Yeah, I don't think it's scary, but it definitely has creepy and disturbing parts. It's certainly not a horror film, it's just a really creepy mystery.

It's such a well-done scene cause it's so matter of fact. The guy's voice isn't scary at all. The outfit isn't really that scary out of context. But the casualness with which he ties them up and stabs them brings it to another level. I'm not even sure I was scared watching it, but thinking about it later just fucks

He was also supposed to do The Black Dahlia at one point, which probably would have been my favorite movie ever. Bummer that De Palma turned it into shit. Ellroy even does a commentary track on Zodiac, I suspect just to give me blue balls.

Just reading that sent chills up my spine. Great movie.

"If you like old Tony Scott movies, you'll LOVE his brother Ridley Scott's newest movie!"

Glad someone else likes Ride The Devil as much as I do. I have The Bayou Trilogy but haven't cracked it yet.

Jonathan Mostow's career is such a bummer.

That is a terrific movie. Goddamn James Foley has a frustrating career.