Curly Jefferson

That's actually a great point. Part of me wonders if she wouldn't mind taking it further but is restricted by what a network show can get away with. Maybe I'm giving her too much credit?

Yikes! Just read an article on Deadline that says Mindy does very well among wealthy audiences, and that may be the only thing keeping it on the air right now. So I guess the jury is still out?

It's such a silly and pointless gag. It feels like one step up from writing him out of the show. I wouldn't be surprised if Ed Weeks is gone next season.

You mean the prominent belly's not enough for you?

Yeah, I think Mindy can put away the "Mindy's boyfriend of the week is someone from a show you love!" device.

I'm not sure why people expect so much out of Mindy. Every character on Seinfeld was a terrible person. Larry David (the character) is a terrible person. Michael Scott was a terrible person. The problem may be that some people don't find Kaling inherently likable and therefore won't give the character permission to be

I think they're going to make room for Pally. He was only supposed to be in a couple of episodes but is now a regular. I'm not sure they have room for Ed Weeks though.

Thanks! I feel like I have heard this but can't remember much of it, so I'm gonna listen again. Hill also gave a great interview on the Creative Screenwriting podcast about the time Observe and Report came out. Not even sure that podcast still exists but well worth tracking down.

It's unclear to me what Kramer actually did. I assume he did the incidental score, but people seem to assume he was music supervisor. However, Hill and McBride often say in interviews that the songs for seasons 1-3 were whatever songs the two of them picked from their iPod (but they got an actual music supervisor this

Makes it even better knowing Hill and McBride and Green all were surrounded by Wake students when they were in film school in Winston-Salem.

The McBride/Hill Nerdist episode was disappointing. Hardwick didn't seem like a big fan of their work and the two guys are clearly pretty shy and need a talented interviewer to put them at ease. Hardwick started the episode off getting Hill mixed up with David Gordon Green and never really recovered (and didn't seem

All the guys behind the show are movie encyclopedias, especially when it comes to 70s and 80s movies, so I have no doubt that's what they were referencing.

Didn't surprise me that David Gordon Green directed this one. Weird (and often gross) visual gags are his forte.

"I'm out of pads." FREEZE FRAME & TITLE!

She called him "pumpkin" which made it even better.

I hope they play that clip when McBride shows up on Fresh Air.

Nah, different kid. Same curly blonde hair.

Yep. Bama Slamma!

Part of it may also be the way Mamet directs actors. If you've ever read "On Directing Film," you'll know what I mean. He is staunchly against method acting and anti-Stanislavski. He thinks an actor's job is to convey the text of the writing to the best of their ability. No creating the character, no accents, no B.S.

But at least he's never had Pidgeon carry a movie, unlike here with Crouse.