Curly Jefferson

Actually, I had a hard time with the first two seasons but this season is pretty fantastic. Simon seems to have finally hit his stride and it feels more like real New Orleans than some outsider trying to be an insider's view of the city (which is how I'd describe the first two seasons).

It does seem like a show that could go on forever. As someone who recently moved to town, I can say with some confidence that there's no end to the number of stories Simon could tell about this place.

It does seem like a show that could go on forever. As someone who recently moved to town, I can say with some confidence that there's no end to the number of stories Simon could tell about this place.

Spielberg and Sayles go way back. Sayles wrote the alien invasion script "Night Skies" for him way back when.

Spielberg and Sayles go way back. Sayles wrote the alien invasion script "Night Skies" for him way back when.

I think three things always stand out about Lynne's production: his drum sound, the way he does backing vocals and his blindingly bright guitars. I'll agree that it's toned down considerably on the Petty albums compared to the others (particularly "You Got It" which is essentially an ELO song with Orbison singing),

I think three things always stand out about Lynne's production: his drum sound, the way he does backing vocals and his blindingly bright guitars. I'll agree that it's toned down considerably on the Petty albums compared to the others (particularly "You Got It" which is essentially an ELO song with Orbison singing),

I thought his signature sound was pretty absent from Highway Companion. That's a great, underrated album. Sort of a combination of Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers.

I thought his signature sound was pretty absent from Highway Companion. That's a great, underrated album. Sort of a combination of Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers.

I think it's more that his sound is so distinctive and he had a dozen or so hits within a two or three year period producing Orbison, Harrison, Petty and the Wilburys and it got kind of old after a while. Those hits more or less sound like the same band with a different lead singer.

I think it's more that his sound is so distinctive and he had a dozen or so hits within a two or three year period producing Orbison, Harrison, Petty and the Wilburys and it got kind of old after a while. Those hits more or less sound like the same band with a different lead singer.

I don't think I was that far off, though I did leave out that Oswalt says he was paraphrasing Cross's joke. Frankly, I'm quite proud of myself for getting it about 85% right since I was going off memory. I demand an apology from you on your MySpace blog, surferosa.

I don't think I was that far off, though I did leave out that Oswalt says he was paraphrasing Cross's joke. Frankly, I'm quite proud of myself for getting it about 85% right since I was going off memory. I demand an apology from you on your MySpace blog, surferosa.

Interestingly, Oswalt talked shit about Cross for taking that role back in the MySpace days. He said something like, "Brian Posehn and I threw that script across the room and Cross caught it." Cross got pretty pissed and Oswalt wrote some blog apologizing and going on about how influential Cross was to him…I guess all

Interestingly, Oswalt talked shit about Cross for taking that role back in the MySpace days. He said something like, "Brian Posehn and I threw that script across the room and Cross caught it." Cross got pretty pissed and Oswalt wrote some blog apologizing and going on about how influential Cross was to him…I guess all

Well said. They're a bit of an odd couple, sure. I guess I always assumed that, in their past, they were probably far more similar in personality, but because of the opposite turns their lives have taken, they don't seem to fit right by the time we meet them. Regardless, they're bonded for life. Maybe it's because I

Well said. They're a bit of an odd couple, sure. I guess I always assumed that, in their past, they were probably far more similar in personality, but because of the opposite turns their lives have taken, they don't seem to fit right by the time we meet them. Regardless, they're bonded for life. Maybe it's because I

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus There's a good piece on Anderson's evolution as a filmmaker in EW online and the writer makes an interesting point about how Anderson has completely changed as a filmmaker while Tarantino has remained more or less the same. QT kind of came out of the gate with a fully

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus There's a good piece on Anderson's evolution as a filmmaker in EW online and the writer makes an interesting point about how Anderson has completely changed as a filmmaker while Tarantino has remained more or less the same. QT kind of came out of the gate with a fully

Yes, see if you can make that leap.