Curly Jefferson

I grew up in Nashville and went to Ole Miss for a while, so I have a good perspective here. I'll say this: the hottest girls at Vanderbilt are likely hotter than the hottest girls at Ole Miss. However, there aren't as many hot girls at Vandy as at Ole Miss. Ole Miss girls try VERY hard. The sorority culture there

The Big Nowhere is definitely my favorite Ellroy, with American Tabloid a close second.

I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen Fearless. That, Green Card and his latest with Colin Farrell are the only Weir films I haven't seen. I feel like it was on Netflix Instant but then got taken off. I know it's a must see.

The LA Confidential filmmakers were going to screw Carnahan by setting up an LA Confidential 2 (which never happened). To me, it seemed like a weird power play and I wondered if they did it just so another filmmaker wouldn't use Guy Pearce as Exley.

I like this movie a lot, but it's not even in my top 5 favorite Weir films, which FOR ALL INTERESTED (everyone, clearly) would be:

If Franco doesn't crash this shindig Phantom of the Opera-style (plus a few hundred well trained chimps), I'll be severely disappointed.

This episode felt like impressive fan fic or a really mediocre spec script by a huge fan of the show. Just amateur hour all around.

@avclub-5a45f16563236f96d30394f10a233b05:disqus either that or he really didn't want to do it with Adam and was looking for an excuse. His whole explanation of his being worried about his audience not liking Adam because of his gay jokes was telling.

Even though I'm a Carolla fan, I was ready to blame him in that whole fiasco, but Smith's side of the story pretty much unraveled in that podcast. For once, Adam's jerkiness isn't to blame.

That first Tenacious D album was great. I listened to it incessantly senior year of high school. "City Hall" was the soundtrack to my first time smoking weed. Good times.

Funny, cause in Heavyweights he plays a counselor who was previously fat.

Yeah, same with his take on Office Space. Saying that the film being a bomb didn't allow him to be open to it was a very honest statement. I respect him for not just kissing Judge's ass and pulling the "I knew it would find its audience!" trick. He was genuinely surprised at its eventual success, and only then did he

He's also not in character. Unless he's method and I don't know it.

"Applesauce, bitch!" Hey, Kevin Smith made a funny once.

I feel like the "smirking" direction is redundant, since Krasinski will be smirking anyway. Only note when he is NOT smirking.

@avclub-48c0b3cf0c62e40eeff5a9b07a63d953:disqus It's just the right amount of Tony Scott. Domino is TOO Tony Scott. It's like Man on Fire times 1000.

Yeah, seen Domino? He went wayyyyyyy over the top with his style. I can't believe the studio gave him the leeway to be that indulgant, regardless of how successful he's been. It's practically unwatchable. He scaled it back big time on Pelham and Unstoppable.

Those whippersnappers are gonna take over Hollywood before we know it!

He's still my favorite of the Bruckheimer go-to guys though. Man on Fire, Last Boy Scout, Enemy of the State, True Romance, Revenge, Days of Thunder, Crimson Tide, the lesbian sex scene between Susan Sarandon and Catherine Denvenue…all movies I will stop to watch when they come on TV on a Sunday.

That song was my jam sophomore year of college. The type of song people would put on at parties just to watch me go apeshit. Good times.