Curly Jefferson

Probably because he suspects it too. Yeah, the Beth stuff sucks. The calender is pretty embarrassing. A divorce would be entertaining though.

Fa Fa Fo Hi

Shit, he's on on a Thursday for once? Totally missed it. Hope they play a rerun. Oh wait.

To be fair, @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus , if you'd worked hard on something brilliant like Trial & Error, you'd be pissed for being recognized for a lesser work, too.

I'm not one to talk. I constantly requested my dad read Amelia Bedelia books to me when I was little. That shit is fucking retarded. Surprised he didn't smother me with my own pillow.

"Cliff Martinez? You mean Angelo Badalamenti? That whole score was a rip off of Rezor's Social Network themes anyway." - guy who downloaded a torrent copy of Drive

I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that Payne & Jim Taylor's production company hired Faxon and Rash to adapt the book back before Payne knew he was going to direct it himself. In which case I would be surprised if he was miffed.

I'm waiting for a reboot of Time Trax starring Dale Midkiff. Great show.

Really? They cast an Oscar nominee only to dub his voice? This is the kind of thinking going on with the producers of this movie.

I saw it (Descendents was sold out). It was okay. Not bad. Sort of unmemorable, but nonetheless an entertaining 81 minutes. It's definitely The Jonah Hill Show, so if you're not big on him, steer clear. Not in the same league as Pineapple or Superbad, mind you.

Depending on the girl, that is potentially pretty traumatizing. That is to say, I'm sure it's worked for Kelly more than once in the past.

Just having read a lot of Bourdain and watched his show a lot, I gather that Bourdain is "over" his previous life and pretty much thinks he was a douchebag for romanticizing that lifestyle. That came through a little bit here, but Maron clearly still thinks that stuff is cool and wanted to talk all about it. At some

He was on Adam Carolla one time and said he rarely, if ever, eats at home. Always eats out.

No, I really liked it. I'm a Bourdain fan though, maybe if you're not a fan you won't enjoy it as much? It did go over a lot of ground covered in Kitchen Confidential, but it was interesting to hear Bourdain talk about it anyway.

Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I think Maron revealed some bad traits in himself with that entire conversation, and especially on that point. I kept waiting for Bourdain to say "yeah, I used to think like you, before I actually spent some time with people who were nothing like me, and I enjoyed it."

She's hot. She grew on me big time after I saw her on Conan last year being hilarious. Now I can't get enough of her.

I'd like to see some actual tension between Jim and Pam that doesn't feel completely contrived. Hmm, let's see. Postpartum depression is sure to bring some laughs, right?

Would be a good way to end the show. The last season, every episode could center around the fallout from the latest episode of the documentary (or maybe even reality show?).

Does it matter? If one person says they smell something, everyone else is going to assume they're telling the truth. Whether or not there's an odor, it's embarrassing to Jennifer(?) for someone to even suggest it.

"…how food transcends all cultural differences (except maybe if you’re talking about redneck conservatives…"
Confused…I thought Bourdain's point was that he had learned to use food to transcend his differences with redneck conservatives and is in fact friends with Ted Nugent because of this?