Curly Jefferson

I agree. I wasn't a huge fan of Juno, but I can tell she's got a distinct voice and doesn't deserve to be written off after one movie (never saw Jennifer's Body).

Agreed, a little too skinny. I like her more voluptuous.

Soderbergh's idea was to hire a bunch of comic actors but make them all play it like a drama in the hopes that comedy would naturally seep through, simply by virtue of these actors being gifted comedians.

A lot of screenplays start out with a distinct voice, but it's very hard to get one made like that, unless the screenwriter is also the director (and even then…). Cody was very lucky to have people who championed her early on, and a director like Reitman who didn't want to change anything.

That one had a black guy.

I'm not sure anything happened to him. I think sometimes guys who are able to make movies at very young ages get very lucky by making something that strikes a chord, but on further inspection, they don't really have anything profound to say. I think George Washington is more of an exercise in aesthetics than a true

He's showing Adventures…, Risky Business, Uncle Buck and After Hours at BAM this week.

There was an interview in GQ or Esquire that came out a year or so ago, before anyone had really seen the skinny version of Hill, and the reporter commented on his weight loss and brought up that very line. Hill got pretty bent out of shape about it.

I think the "people keep coming back" is a nod to '80s action movies where no one was ever dead, despite being fatally wounded several times over.

Great song. Melvins do a great cover of that.

I think it was a British thing they adapted. Hank Azaria was involved. That's all I remember.

Probably spacing it out due to fear of Segal saturation.

Crowe is really testing just how far he can push the lifetime pass I gave him for Fast Times.

Apparently been around since Being There, which is kinda wild.

Yes! Whole Love is my favorite track, with Art of Almost nearly tied. Lovin Spoonful is a great point of comparison.

Love em both, but the one-two punch of Debonair and Be Sweet on Gentlemen edges out Black Love ever so slightly.

A Punk Rock Comptroller

Disagree. I think Isolation Drills and Under the Bushes Under the Stars work as a whole.

Waiting for Dillon Fence to talk about "Poor Poor Lonely." STILL WAITING, GUYS.