Curly Jefferson

I don't think that's a tic. I sure as hell wouldn't want to take care of a guinea pig. Who would?

It wasn't stamp glue, it was the envelope adhesive. The idea was that it was extremely cheap and possibly toxic in large quantities—and Susan ingested large quantities when she licked the hundreds of envelopes.

was that her real butt or was she wearing a booty bump? I don't recall her having such a bodacious rump.

She would have to go around back because a white limo is too embarrassing to be seen in. I like how that part pretty much remains. Like, "sure they should have been harsh with me, but they still should have told me how NOT to be seen in such a horrible car."

Oh, it had Rabin-certified "fiasco" written all over it. But I can't deny that a multimillion dollar cast of people singing "Sad If I Lost It" would be freakin' cool.

I think he pulled back on the retirement thing. I wouldn't count on Liberace being his last. Also, The Playlist article suggests he might squeeze a film in this now open gap in his schedule.

That or Cleo, the 3-D Cleopatra musical with songs by Robert Pollard. (Actually, the script I read, by Jim Greer, kinda sucked, but I'm still intrigued enough to see it)

It's okay, she showed him with her DTV career.

Exactly. I think it probably has more in common with the recent 3:10 to Yuma than Deadwood, but Deadwood casts a long shadow with regards to the look and feel of a western show.

Yes. I for one thank the producers for not being Mel Gibson.

If Deadwood is Cormac McCarthy/Larry McMurtry, then Hell on Wheels is Elmore Leonard/Zane Grey. To me, it seems to be indulging its pulpy roots rather than transcend them. And that's okay with me.

That's assuming he stays rich and famous for the rest of his life. Which is a very big assumption. But judging by the attitudes of has-beens on reality shows, the spiral into poverty and obscurity doesn't seem to help with introspection either.

Does it get better than that clip of Jon Voight using the red carpet reporter's camera to talk to his grandkids?

The joke isn't the date rape. The joke (if you can call it that, but it's really just irony) is that the date-rapist goes to jail and gets raped. I'm not sure why this makes that dead dude from Sublime an asshole, but then again, I fully condone the dry anal rape of date rapists in prison.

I should go back and watch it to see how it holds up. Funny that the nerdy friend who would suddenly freak out was a teenage Jason Segel. Wonder if he and Lillard still hang out. Just kidding.

Yeah, I wanted this too. But he's only in the movie for maybe one or two scenes, so there was definitely more important ground to cover. That was one of my favorite movies (and soundtracks) as a teen.

I assumed it was actually Jay Farrar.

Granted, Heather Lawless already looks a lot like Spacek, but the hair style and color and the telekinetic powers…seems to fit.

It's kind of unfair for so many of the critics (not AV Club) to dismiss this show for being similar to Deadwood but not being Deadwood. This is a different kind of show. I think Hell on Wheels is far more interested in telling a propulsive revenge story with a  historical backdrop than deconstructing the western

So the psychic chick is supposed to look exactly like Sissy Spacek right? it's a riff on Carrie? I haven't seen this mentioned so I feel like I'm crazy. I NEED YOUR APPROVAL, FELLOW POSTERS.